
Parallelograms of forces about interacting electrical charges require a 
spherical mode of description. Correspondingly, an explanation of spherical 
forces requires categorial illations.

Can the diagram be extended to spheres?



> On Mar 17, 2017, at 10:19 AM, Jeffrey Brian Downard <> 
> wrote:
> Jon A, John S, Jon S, Clark, List, 
> I'd like to refer back to an earlier discussion of the last lecture in RLT in 
> order to take up the question of how we try to supply a diagram for better 
> understanding the relationship between truth and the starting and ending 
> points of inquiry. The diagram below is a sketch of how I would like to 
> develop the philosophical implications of what Peirce says about the 
> mathematics of projective relations. Let me know if you have suggestions for 
> making things clearer. 
> Peirce argues that, in regard to the principle of movement from these two 
> points, only three types of philosophical positions are possible. Here are 
> the passages I'm trying to interpret:
> 1.  Elliptic philosophy. Starting-point and stopping-point are not even 
> ideal. Movement of nature recedes from no point, advances towards no point, 
> has no definite tendency, but only flits from position to position.
> 2. Parabolic philosophy. Reason or nature develops itself according to one 
> universal formula; but the point toward which that development tends is the 
> very same nothingness from which it advances.
> 3. Hyperbolic philosophy. Reason marches from premisses to conclusion; nature 
> has ideal end different from its origin. (CP, 6.581-2)
> Pierce argues that the conception of the absolute in philosophy “fulfills the 
> same function as the absolute in geometry. According as we suppose the 
> infinitely distant beginning and end of the universe are distinct,identical, 
> or nonexistent, we have three kinds of philosophy. What should determine our 
> choice of these? Observed Facts. These are all in favour of the first.” [W 
> 8.22; 1890], [CP 4.145; 1893])  Drawing on the series of mathematical 
> examples copied below, let's construct a diagram to illustrate Peirce's claim 
> that“[j]ust as geometry has its descriptive and its metrical portions, the 
> former considering whether points coincide or not, the latter measuring how 
> far distant from one another they are... so logic has first to decide whether 
> a proposition or reasoning to be true or false, and secondly in the latter 
> case, to measure the amount of its falsity” [W 4.241; 1881], [W 5.166; 1885]) 
> <Absolute for Inquiry diagram.png>
> While I'm not able to fit it into this diagram, one idea I'd like to capture 
> is that of the relations of proportion in quantitative inductive inferences 
> between what has been observed and what might observed in the future. In 
> order to understand the significance of picturing the horizon as hyperbolic 
> lines, see the discussion below.
> --Jeff
> Jeffrey Downard
> Associate Professor
> Department of Philosophy
> Northern Arizona University
> (o) 928 523-8354
> From: Jeffrey Brian Downard < 
> <>>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 10:04 AM
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Super-Order and the Logic of Continuity (was 
> Metaphysics and Nothing (was Peirce's Cosmology))
> List,
> Following up on Peirce's line of argument about the differences between 
> elliptical, parabolic and hyperbolic philosophies in Logic and Spiritualism 
> (from 1905, CP 6.581-585), I'd like to offer some relatively simple examples. 
> The purpose of the examples is to illustrate how ideas from perspective and 
> projective geometries can be used to clarify the points Peirce is making 
> about the formal differences between these different ways of orienting 
> ourselves with respect to the beginning and ending points of inquiry when we 
> go about the business of framing hypotheses.
> For starters, let us draw out the analogy between the ending point of inquiry 
> and a point on the distant horizon. Like travelers who head off to the 
> horizon when they board different trains, different inquirers may try to 
> answer a question using different methods. What do we suppose might happen 
> when these different inquirers follow out these parallel lines of inquiry? 
> Should we suppose that such lines of inquiry will tend to converge on some 
> point of agreement--call it the truth--in the long run? 
> I am interested in taking a closer look at what Peirce says about the analogy 
> between converging parallel lines in a perspective or a projective geometry 
> and converging lines of inquiry. My hunch is the Peirce is offering more than 
> just a mere analogy. What he is doing is exploring the formal features in the 
> mathematical conceptions used in projective geometry--including the 
> conceptions of invariance under transformation, proportion, the infinite, the 
> absolute, etc.--in order to see how those formal features and conceptions 
> might be employed in both formal logic and in semiotics in order to analyze 
> the role of these kinds of formal conditions and conceptions in reasoning 
> generally. 
> These conceptions come into the semiotic theory in a number of ways. Like 
> Aristotle and Kant, Peirce is trying to provide a more adequate answer to the 
> questions of how we are able form general conceptions and how we are able to 
> apply them to particular cases in a more measured manner.  Just as we face 
> the difficulty of determining what kinds of classifications really represent 
> natural classes, we face an analogous problem in determining how to establish 
> and apply standards of measurement that are not arbitrary. Some forms of 
> measurement are, for a given phenomenon, more natural and others are less so. 
> So, we are studying the way that mathematicians have drawn on projective 
> geometry in order to clarify the formal conditions for applying any system of 
> space measurement (i.e., any sort of extensive measurement). Consider two 
> sets of train tracks that are heading off into the distance. Each set of 
> tracks will converge on the horizon. As the tracks converge in the image 
> plane, the distance between the ties on each track gets progressively closer 
> together. In fact, it appears to the eye that there is a proportionality 
> between the rate at which the tracks converge on the horizon and the rate at 
> which the railroad ties get closer and closer together. In a more faithful 
> representation, the railroad ties get so close together as the tracks 
> approach the horizon that it is no longer possible to distinguish one from 
> another. That is, they lose their individuality in the perspective 
> representation of these relations.
> <Perspective two sets railroad tracks horizon.png>
> Figure 1.
> While these two sets of railroad tracks might appear to be running in 
> parallel directions, we can see that such an appearance is an illusion. After 
> all, if they were really parallel to each other, the two sets of tracks would 
> converge on the same point on the horizon.  That is, in a perspective space, 
> all parallel lines converge on the same point at the infinitely distant 
> horizon. If the perspective from which we view these relations were to change 
> radically, the proportions between the railroad ties and lengths of the track 
> between ties would appear to be preserved.
> <railroad tracks perspective 2.png>
> Figure 2.
> We can generalize on the relationships in the perspective images by noting 
> that what is true of railroad tracks running in parallel on the ground is 
> also true of contrails in the sky. That is, lines running above the horizon 
> converge in the same manner that lines do that are below the horizon. In 
> fact, if we look at the image plane, the lines below the horizon are 
> continuous with parallel lines running above the horizon.  What is more, we 
> can consider what happens with there are larger numbers of lines all running 
> parallel to each other.
> <many parallel lines to horizon.png>
> Figure 3.
> If we change the perspective taken on the figure above, we get a clearer 
> sense of how those lines intersect through the perspective space to form a 
> large number of quadrilateral figures. What is more, we see that the red 
> railroad track, which is on the right of the blue track below the horizon, is 
> on the left of the blue track above the horizon.
> <lines filling perspective space.png>
> Figure 4.
> Now, for the part that is a bit harder to make intuitive. Remember that, in a 
> perspective space, we can imagine turning around a given point of 
> perspectivity and gazing at the horizon as it sweeps by. If the image plane 
> goes all of the way around the point of perspectivity when we turn around in 
> a circle, then the horizon, too, will circle around us on a cylindrically 
> shaped image plane. 
> As we mentioned before, an intuitive way of thinking about a two dimensional 
> projective space is to try to picture it as a generalization of a slice 
> through the the image plane, the object plane and the point of perspectivity. 
> In a projective space, we can see that the horizon is a part of the fabric of 
> that space. In this way, the horizon line that consists of the points where 
> all parallel lines converge is a conception of infinity that is different in 
> kind than the conception of infinity that we get in Euclidean geometry. That 
> is, instead of conceiving of what is infinitely distant as what happens when 
> parallel lines are extended further and further and never diverge or 
> converge, we get a conception of infinity as the collection of connected 
> points where all parallel lines would (i.e., have the potential to) converge. 
> Let us now see what follows when we consider the proof of Desargues's 6-point 
> theorem from within such a projective space. Let us construct the diagram for 
> the proof--and let's do it in such a way that we place the two points that 
> are the origins of the rays in the construction (i.e., the points of 
> perspectivity at P and Q) on an ellipse that represents the horizon. The 
> central feature of the diagram is the quadrilateral PQSR formed by the 
> intersecting rays, along with two other lines that connect the opposite 
> vertices QR and PS of the quadrilateral figure. The 6 points on the line from 
> A to C' represent the pairs of points formed by extending the opposites sides 
> of the quadrilateral QS and PR and also the lines running through the pairs 
> of vertices QR and PS. As such, we have the pairs of points AA', BB' and CC'. 
> The proportionality between those pairs of lines forming the opposite edges 
> and lines through the quadrilateral are preserved under transformations--and 
> those proportional relationships are mapped to the 6 points on the line AC'.
> <Desargues 6-point horizon.png>
> Figure 5.
> Now, let us generalize on the diagram by noting that, in the figure 4, the 
> quadrilaterals that are formed by the intersections between the parallel 
> lines are akin to the quadrilateral PQRS. That is, for any quadrilateral 
> formed by rays projecting from "opposite" sides of the line that forms the 
> horizon, we have the same relations of proportionality. Imagine all of the 
> parallel lines that can be drawn from the points P and R and the 
> quadrilaterals that are formed by the intersection of those lines. Now, 
> generalize and imagine all of the parallel lines that can be extended from 
> all of the points on the horizon. This is a rich form of super-order, and it 
> forms a tout ensemble for this particular kind of space as a whole having 
> that particular sort of horizon. 
> Now, let us notice that the relations of proportionality between all of the 
> possible intersecting rays from all of the possible points on the horizon are 
> preserved under different transformations of the horizon. The horizon can be 
> moved and shaped into a parabola or an hyperbola. In this way, we get a yet 
> more general kind of super-order of super-orders, and a yet larger tout 
> ensemble for all of these 2-dimensional spaces.
> The general conclusions we have illustration by drawing on Desargues 6-point 
> theorem can also be illustrated by drawing on other important theorems in 
> projective geometry, such as the fundamental theorem. Let us construct this 
> theorem in a space in which the horizon is parabolic in order to illustrate 
> the idea.
> <Horizon fundamental theorem hyperbola.png>
> Peirce is correct when he suggests that these types of examples drawn from 
> mathematics need to be explored by the reader with pencil and paper in order 
> to sharpen the powers of imagination and reasoning--and to really see in a 
> more intuitive way what follows in a more general way about the space as a 
> whole from the proofs of the different theorems. Fortunately, we have 
> software such as CarMetal and the Geometer's Sketchpad. I recommend 
> constructing these diagrams, running through the proofs and seeing what 
> happens when the diagrams are transformed in a continuous way. The same is 
> true when it comes to the other examples in RLT that are drawn from topology. 
> The same holds for the diagram consisting of lines on the blackboard. The 
> movement from individual lines to the curve can be understood from within the 
> framework of projective geometry as having a number of important implications 
> about the way in which that curve is being generated from the lines. 
> Thus far, in our exploration of these ideas from projective geometry, we made 
> use of a number of the conceptions that are italicized in RLT. Here is the 
> incomplete list that I included in the earlier email:  (e.g, completed 
> aggregate, multitude brought to an end, potential, topical singularity, 
> furcation, perissid, artiad, fornix, line, filament, surface, film, space, 
> tripon, chorisis, cyclosis, immensity, ensemble, etc.). A number of the 
> conceptions have been used explicitly, and most of the rest have been used 
> implicitly as we have drawn out the implications from the diagrams.
> Now, let us ask: What is involved in the hypotheses that lie at the bases of 
> projective geometry? Consider what Peirce has to say here: 
> In the pre-Lobachevskian days, elementary geometry was universally regarded 
> as the very exemplar of conclusive reasoning carried to great lengths. It had 
> been the ideal of speculative thinkers in all ages. Metaphysics, indeed, as 
> an historical fact, has been nothing but an attempt to copy, in thinking 
> about substances, the geometer's reasoning about shapes. This is shown by the 
> declarations of Plato and others, by the spatial origin of many metaphysical 
> conceptions and of the terms appropriated to them, such as abstract, form, 
> analogy, etc., and by the love of donning the outer clothing of geometry, 
> even when no fit for philosophy. For instance, one of the remarkable features 
> of geometry is the small number of premises from which galaxies of theorems 
> result; and accordingly it has been an effort of almost all metaphysicians to 
> reduce their first principles to the fewest possible, even if they had to 
> crowd disparate thoughts into one formula. It did not seem to occur to them 
> that since a list of first principles is a work of analysis, it would not be 
> a small number of elementary propositions so much as a large number that 
> would bespeak its thoroughness.  
> As we continue the exploration of the topological diagrams that he offers 
> next as examples in RLT, we'll need to consider--in a more direct way--the 
> philosophical implications that he is drawing from within both phenomenology 
> and semiotics. As such, we will need to ask: how might we more carefully 
> analyze the role of the different formal elements in what we are observing 
> when we construct the diagrams and when we move things around to observe what 
> happens under continuous transformations. What is the role, for example, of 
> iconic representations and relations in our thinking about such 
> transformations. Furthermore, what is the role, of the logical interpretants 
> in drawing out the various implications?
> --Jeff
> Jeffrey Downard
> Associate Professor
> Department of Philosophy
> Northern Arizona University
> (o) 928 523-8354
> From: Jeffrey Brian Downard < 
> <>>
> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 5:06 PM
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Super-Order and the Logic of Continuity (was 
> Metaphysics and Nothing (was Peirce's Cosmology))
> Jon S, List,
> Before I try to provide an outline of where I'm heading, let me anchor what 
> I'm trying to do in a specific text. The philosophical points that Peirce is 
> trying to draw from the mathematical examples in RLT are offered, at least in 
> part, in support of the following kind of argument:
> In regard to the principle of movement, three philosophies are possible.
> 1. Elliptic philosophy. Starting-point and stopping-point are not even ideal. 
> Movement of nature recedes from no point, advances towards no point, has no 
> definite tendency, but only flits from position to position. (CP, 6.582)
> 2. Parabolic philosophy. Reason or nature develops itself according to one 
> universal formula; but the point toward which that development tends is the 
> very same nothingness from which it advances. (CP, 6.582)
> 3. Hyperbolic philosophy. Reason marches from premisses to conclusion; nature 
> has ideal end different from its origin. (CP, 6.582)
> The choice of elliptic philosophy, which refuses to acknowledge the ideal, 
> supposes more interest in nature than in reason. The philosophy which sees 
> nothing in nature but the washing of waves on a beach cannot consistently 
> regard mind as primordial, must rather take mind to be a specialization of 
> matter. Bent on outward studies, it will find the statement that nerve-matter 
> feels, just as carmine is red, a convenient disposition of a troublesome 
> question. Elliptic philosophy is irreconcilable with Spiritualism. (CP, 6.583)
> He who feels himself and his neighbors under the constraints of overwhelming 
> power, from which they long to take refuge in annihilation – situation little 
> life as rounded with a sleep, readily accepts the idea that the world, too, 
> sprang out of the womb of nothingness to evolve its destiny, and into 
> nothingness back to return. Such life as this philosophy recognizes -- a 
> fatal struggle, a mere death-throe --it should extend throughout nature. Soul 
> should be a mere aspect of the body, not tied to it, therefore, but identical 
> with it. Nothing can be more hostile to Spiritualism than this Parabolic 
> philosophy. (CP, 6.584)
> Hyperbolic philosophy has to assume for starting-point something free, as 
> neither requiring explanation nor admitting derivation. The free is living; 
> the immediately living is feeling. Feeling, then, is assumed as 
> starting-point; but feeling uncoördinated, having its manifoldness implicit. 
> For principle of progress or growth, something must be taken not in the 
> starting-point, but which from infinitesimal beginning will strengthen itself 
> continually. This can only be a principle of growth of principles, a tendency 
> to generalization. Assume, then, that feeling tends to be associated with and 
> assimilated to feeling, action under general formula or habit less common in 
> this country and age than in other places and times -- viewing this tending 
> to replace the living freedom and inward intensity of feeling. This tendency 
> to take habits will itself increase by habit. Habit tends to coordinate 
> feelings, which are thus brought into the order of Time, into the order of 
> Space. Feelings coordinated in a certain way, to a certain degree, constitute 
> a person; on their being dissociated (as habits do sometimes get broken up), 
> the personality disappears. Feelings over whose relations to their neighbors 
> habit has acquired such an empire that we detect no trace of spontaneity in 
> their actions, are known as dead matter. The hypothesis here sketched, whose 
> consequences, traceable with precision to considerable detail in various 
> directions, appear to accord with observation, to an extent of which I can 
> here give no idea, affords a rational account of the connection of body and 
> soul. This theory, so far as I have been able as yet to trace its 
> consequences, gives little or no countenance to Spiritualism. Still, it is 
> evidently less unfavorable than any other reasonable philosophy. (CP 6.585)
> He makes these sorts of claims in a number of places (e.g., CP, 8.317). The 
> three types of "philosophies" that Peirce characterizes here are emblematic 
> of three approaches to framing hypotheses about beginning and ending points 
> in a developmental sequence, including those that are more spiritual (i.e., 
> inward) in character as well as those that are more natural (i.e, outward) in 
> character. For the purposes of developing a logical account of the growth of 
> understanding, he is arguing for (3) as a plausible hypothesis and rejecting 
> (1) and (2) because they fail to explain a number of surprising phenomena 
> that are associated with the growth of understanding. What is more, both (1) 
> and (2) have the effect of closing the door to further inquiry in a 
> particularly problematic manner. A parallel argument is made about the growth 
> of order in nature.
> The mathematical examples in RLT that draw on projective geometry and the 
> relation to metrical geometries as well as the examples that draw on the more 
> fundamental ideas in topology are offered by Peirce for the purposes of 
> getting clearer about a number of key mathematical conceptions that he is 
> putting to use in the development and refinement of the conception of 
> continuity within the logical theory. Many of these conceptions are 
> identified in italics in the text (e.g, completed aggregate, multitude 
> brought to an end, potential, topical singularity, furcation, perissid, 
> artiad, fornix, line, filament, surface, film, space, tripon, chorisis, 
> cyclosis, immensity, ensemble, etc.), and he is applying these mathematical 
> conceptions for the purpose of addressing the problem of how to clarify a 
> logical conception of continuity that will be adequate for a normative theory 
> of semiotics. 
> Peirce focuses on the evolution of more determinate dimensions from a vague 
> potentiality in the account of the logical conception of continuity at 253-4 
> in RLT because he is trying to articulate an explanation of how the various 
> dimensions of our thought might evolve. Those logical dimensions can be 
> divided, in quite a fundamental way, according to three dimensions of yet 
> further dimensions of possibles, existents and necessitants of signs, 
> objects, interpretants and their relations within a growing system.
> --Jeff
> Jeffrey Downard
> Associate Professor
> Department of Philosophy
> Northern Arizona University
> (o) 928 523-8354
> From: Jon Alan Schmidt < 
> <>>
> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 3:17 PM
> To: Jeffrey Brian Downard
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Super-Order and the Logic of Continuity (was 
> Metaphysics and Nothing (was Peirce's Cosmology))
> Jeff, List:
> I am definitely interested, but it would be helpful to me if you could first 
> outline where you see this ultimately going, and then proceed in smaller 
> steps.  As you could probably tell, I had trouble making the connection 
> between Desargues' theorem and Peirce's conception of continuity, not to 
> mention the subsequent blackboard diagram; and my own intuition (or perhaps 
> lack thereof) is such that discussing "the projective absolute" and "metrical 
> relations in elliptical, parabolic or hyperbolic geometries" is not (at least 
> so far) helping me understand your/Peirce's point "about the kind of 
> hypothesis that is needed to make sense of ... the growth of order in the 
> cosmos."  Also, I still believe that Peirce's "table of contents" in "A 
> Neglected Argument" was for a future book that he had not yet written and 
> never did manage to write, rather than anything specific in his previous 
> material such as RLT.
> Regards,
> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
> <> - 
> <>
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 3:45 PM, Jeffrey Brian Downard 
> < <>> wrote:
> Jon S, Gary R, Edwina, John S, List,
> If others are interested, I'd like to continue the discussion of the last 
> lecture on continuity in RLT. The goal, I took it, was to draw on it for the 
> sake of filling in some the details in the "table of contents" for a larger 
> set of inquiries that he sketched in "A Neglected Argument."
> My proposal is to march through more of the mathematical examples he offers 
> in the hopes of getting more clarity about the logical conception of 
> continuity that he articulates. Then, the aim is to work up to the example of 
> the lines on the blackboard and the way that he uses that example to frame 
> some hypothesis in cosmological metaphysics.
> Given the fact that my post on Desargues 6-point theorem did not generate 
> much in the way of comments or questions, I am concerned that I overdid it 
> and managed to smother some of the interest in the questions--both 
> interpretative and philosophical--that we were considering. As such, I'm 
> asking for feedback to make see if continued discussion of the mathematical 
> examples is welcome.
> Late last week, I thought of a way to illustrate Peirce's larger point about 
> how the 6 point theorem is connected to the larger idea that Cayley and Klein 
> make about the character of the projective absolute and how it provides the 
> basis of any system of metrical relations in elliptical, parabolic or 
> hyperbolic geometries. The illustration helps to see, in a more intuitive 
> way, the point Peirce seems to be making about the kind of hypothesis that is 
> needed to make sense of the possibility of progress with respect to the 
> growth of our understanding or, more generally, with the growth of order in 
> the cosmos.
> So, let me ask if there are any takers for continuing the discussion of RLT 
> along these lines?
> --Jeff
> Jeffrey Downard
> Associate Professor
> Department of Philosophy
> Northern Arizona University
> (o) 928 523-8354 <tel:928%20523-8354>
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