Dear list:

rather ironic that the ultimate, immutable aim- the one that should accord
with a free development of the agent's own esthetic quality- takes on the
form of a carrot, no?

Jerry R

On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 12:36 PM, Claudio Guerri <>

> Mein lieber Helmut, List,
> again answer between the lines with >>>
> (this was taught to me by T.A.Sebeok just at the beginning of e-mails)
> Helmut Raulien escribió el 27/03/2017 a las 13:14:
> Claudio, List,
>  So it is a bit paradoxical: On one hand we should be aware, that we are
> carrot-chasing donkeys, on the other hand we should not abandon the carrot
> chasing projects, inquiry. And we must respect other donkeys who are
> chasing different carrots.
> >>> EXACTLY!!! with no offense to donkeys and carrots...
> and with no offense to thousands of years of inquiery in which all
> scholars where traying to chase the DO-carrot.
> And, for not thinking that there are alternative carrots, we should
> believe that there is only one carrot of each kind, that is to say too that
> the carrots exist.
> Best,
> Helmut
> >>> I could agree with this, if you say "one carrot of each kind" but only
> for not more than 5 minutes...
> Let as hope that we are able to THINK seriously.
> All the best
> Dein
> CLaudio
>  27. März 2017 um 14:11 Uhr
>  "Claudio Guerri" <> <>
> Edwina, Helmut, List,
> I think that a very good aspect of Peirce's proposal is that there is no
> 'THE TRUTH' anymore.
> Signs can only construct other signs (images, texts, speeches,etc.),
> perhaps, sometimes, "a more developed sign" (CP 2.228).
> But never a definitive 'final explanation'... and this is very good for
> us: humans!!!
> So, there is no sense for 'religious' fights, because everything is only a
> little aspect a bigger whole, which can be considered the 'Dynamic Object'.
> We don't need to "achieve a true representation of a fact", because it IS
> "changing all the time".
> It is enough if we can figure out a good explanation for our time, hoping
> that we will enlarge the concept tomorrow.
> Art, Architecture, Design in general is only possible because of that
> fact: we can only construct an Immediate Object, one after an other...
> endlessly...
> and that is exactly the chance to exist, and to be artists, architects,
> designers, composers, poets, etc., etc...
> if the inquiry don't need anymore to be endless... then, we will be also
> definitively out of work.
> To Edwina: "We would have no capacity to change both that dynamic object
> or our interactions with it." (quote)
> You will probably agree that we can only change the Immediate Object
> we can never grasp anything of the Dynamic Object without transforming it
> at the same time in an Immediate Object
> the Dynamic Object is like "the carrot in front of the donkey" (I don't
> know if this is also an English expression), we will never reach it...
> happily...
> All the best
> Claudio
> Helmut Raulien escribió el 26/03/2017 a las 15:12:
> Claudio, Edwina, List,
> I wonder whether the two kinds of truth are exactly the same as the two
> kinds of object. When two people talk about a common concept of a fact,
> then the dynamical object is the common concept as it exists outside of the
> talk (the sign). But this dynamical object is not the truth-as-the-fact.
> Though it is the truth-as-another-fact: The fact that the common concept
> exists and is like it is.
> The common-concept-as-a-fact changes, even due to this one sign.
> So it is hard to achieve a true representation of a fact which is changing
> all the time. I guess, that the only facts or dynamical objects that donot
> change, are metaphysical laws, like axioms, or deductions that have these
> axioms for premisses.
> That is why I doubt the theory by Peirce, that truth or a final
> interpretant can always be achieved or even just approached by (perhaps
> even endless) inquiry: It is like a crawling lizard hunting a leaping frog.
> Besides changing facts, and metaphysical (eternal) facts, there is a third
> kind of fact: A fact that is an event-as-it-has-happened, or something that
> has been in a certain state in the past.
> I think, that also this kind of truth cannot always be achieved by endless
> inquiry, because there might be information missing due to non-complete
> documentation.
> So I guess, that Peirces truth theory about endless inquiry merely applies
> to metaphysical facts.
> Or when the inquiry goes much faster than the change of fact, or when the
> documentation is complete...
> Best,
> Helmut
>  26. März 2017 um 16:48 Uhr
>  "Edwina Taborsky" <> <> wrote:
> The FACT that the content of the immediate and dynamic object are
> different indeed 'makes us just humans' but I'd say that it makes us
> 'humans'. That is, I'd remove the 'just' from the phrase. That means that
> our cognitive capacity, our capacity to learn, to 'have knowledge' means
> that we, with that capacity for reasoning and analysis, can think about
> that dynamic object; can think about our immediate object - and, the three
> interpretants.
> Without such a capacity, we would be unable to do anything other than
> mechanically react. We would have no capacity to change both that dynamic
> object or our interactions with it.
> Edwina Taborsky
> --
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> On Sun 26/03/17 10:22 AM , Claudio Guerri sent:
> List,
> forgive me for jumping in only very shortly
> but...
> I agree that that there can not be "alternative facts"
> but for sure, there are only alternative interpretations.
> And both concepts of immediate and dynamic object are a very clear
> explanation of that difference that makes as just humans...
> All the best
> Claudio
> Helmut Raulien escribió el 25/03/2017 a las 20:05:
> List,
> In common language the word "truth" is used for two different things: The
> fact and it´s representation (the truth independent of observation, and the
> truth as represented- correct representatrion). In philosophy it mostly is
> only used for the representation, and means a correct representation of a
> fact.
> With one exception: Having looked at Wikipedia: "Truth": I would say, that
> the redundancy theory uses the term for the fact, otherwise "truth" would
> not be redundant (tautology, ok.).
> I would say, that "truth" in the sense of the fact is semantically
> redundant, because a fact is one of the things of which there can only be
> one. I think, there is only one person in the world who claims that there
> may be "alternative facts".
> Examples:
> "It is the truth, that Alice and Bob have married": "Truth" means the
> fact, and is redundant as a term, because you might as well just say:
> "Alice and Bob have married".
> "Paul told the truth when he said that Alice and Bob had married": Fact,
> redundant, because to tell means to speak about. "About" is the bridge
> between representation and fact, adresses the fact. The sentence can be
> said like: "Alice and Bob have married, and Paul has told that".
> Though the redundancy is not complete regarding the connotations: The
> first version of the statement implies the suggestion, that Paul does not
> always adress facts correctly (tell the truth), which the second version
> does not imply.
> "Paul spoke the truth when he said that Alice and Bob had married":
> representation, not redundant. The truth here is not the fact, but what
> Paul spoke.
> Anyway, I guess it is very dangerous, that there are two completely
> different things which may so easily be conflated and confused, because
> they share the same term. Eg. the said person who claims alternative facts
> is a danger.
> I guess, that language in general is somewhat blurry about the distinction
> between representation and the represented. But in the case of the term
> "truth" it is a major problem, leading to confusion and misconceptions,
> even ideologies: Ideologies work with forged "facts", and are only able to
> do so, because the term "truth" is not clear. If there were two words for
> the two things (representation and represented), then it would be much more
> difficult to establish myths and conspiracy theories, which both are
> necessary for ideologies.
> I had thought about proposing to call the two types of "truth" dynamical
> and immediate truth, but this is confusing, I guess, because a dynamical
> object may be an immediate truth. Or "trueness" and "truth"? I dont know.
> Best,
> helmut
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> --
> *Prof. Dr. Arq. Claudio F. Guerri*
> Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo
> Universidad de Buenos Aires
> Domicilio particular: Gral. Lemos 270
> Telefax: (011) 4553-7976/4895
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> --
> *Prof. Dr. Arq. Claudio F. Guerri*
> Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo
> Universidad de Buenos Aires
> Domicilio particular: Gral. Lemos 270
> Telefax: (011) 4553-7976/4895
> Celular: (011) 15-6289-8123
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