> On Apr 6, 2017, at 6:34 AM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:
> - chance does not form habits but only facilitates breaking them - and since 
> chance/Firstness is primordial, then, breaking habits is so to speak, 
> necessary and normal in the universe. Just as habits are primordial; just as 
> differentiation into discrete instantiations is primordial..

Could you clarify this? Are you speaking of biological systems at a starting 
point where our analysis presumes they already are there? (Say a swamp in the 
year 2000 as the starting point - there are already habitual behaviors in place)

The question I have is that I assume you think new habits can develop. While 
this isn’t purely random due to selection, surely chance is a major component 
to developing new habits. 
> John, list - I agree with you that Firstness, in itself, is not entropic - 
> since it also operates within a stable system as vagueness, openness. But 
> Firstness as spontaneity, within that vagueness, can lead as Peirce pointed 
> out to minute changes in the form of the system, which can be accepted within 
> Thirdness and lead to new habits of formation and interaction.
> I also agree that randomness and spontaneity are not identical - and that 
> Firstness is 'spontaneity'.

I’ll hold off for now discussing the distinction between spontaneity, chance 
and randomness. I do think if we use the terms we need to be clear what we mean 
by them since they are all ambiguous terms. 

The problem I have here is what you mean by entropy and change. After all 
change can happen that doesn’t increase entropy. While change typically 
increases entropy of the system of course it can reduce the entropy of the 
subsystem (as is common in evolutionary change). So I’m not quite sure relative 
to your topic of biological creatures what you mean by entropy. Could you 
clarify a little? (Sorry as my training just isn’t in biology but physics. I 
recognize I’m bringing a set of expectations that perhaps don’t apply.)

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