> On Apr 7, 2017, at 1:59 PM, John F Sowa <s...@bestweb.net> wrote:
> Clark
>> As John suggested we can see symmetry breaking in Peirce’s terms
>> such that non-fundamental physical laws are the somewhat chance
>> created habits. Habits in matter are thirdness.
> Those chance-created habits must be supported by some sign-like
> things that are interpreted by some kind of quasi-minds.
> An example is DNA, which is a sign-like chemical produced by
> evolution.  Each cell of an organism has a quasi-mind that
> interprets the DNA as a sign to produce as interpretants
> other chemicals that serve as signs:  hormones, enzymes, RNA,
> and more DNA.

Yes, the tokens are sinsigns. There’s an intrinsic indexical between the cell 
and the DNA within the cell. The other chemicals then are rhematic iconic 
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