> On Apr 7, 2017, at 2:53 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:
> 1) You write that 'chance isn't separate from Thirdness'. I think it is. 
> Chance/Firstness is a basic modal category; it's not part of Thirdness.
> 2) I don't read Peirce's view as Neoplatonism ..i.e., that the  first 
> principle is 'the One'. I see Peirce's first principle as Mind.

How do you read his long cosmological writings? That is, while I understand why 
you’d want to read him this way, and it may be more fruitful, it seems you have 
to exclude some pretty key texts.

Anyway, I’m not saying firstness is part of thirdness in any strong sense. 
Thirdness is a kind of mediate between firstness as chance and secondness as 
law. Also while Peirce has some neoplatonic tendencies I think the One and 
Matter are eliminated as “false categories” or merely limits of thought.

The process he discusses in CP 6.215-220 or CP 1.407-15 is the origin of the 
universe. So when we talk of the universe those are already all in place. 
Further Peirce himself calls this platonic. 

The evolutionary process is, therefore, not a mere evolution of the existing 
universe, but rather a process by which the very Platonic forms themselves have 
become or are becoming developed. (CP 6.194)

Again I think there are compelling reasons to doubt Peirce here so we have to 
distinguish between what Peirce thought and our own analysis of what we might 
say he should have thought. <grin>

I probably won’t be able to write more until next week.

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