On more thing before I leave for the weekend. It seems to me that 1907’s famous 
MS 318 is pretty key to all this the more I think about it. That’s partially 
because he speaks of three habit-interpretants and changes how he talks of 
habit somewhat. Part of the manuscript is in EP 2:398. I didn’t see it 
available online anywhere. The primary focus is the pragmatic maxim, but I 
think he gets at many of the issues we’re discussing.

The main focus is the relationship between the inner world and outer world in 
terms of the effect of a sign. 

It is to be noted that in calling a habit “self-controlled,” I do not mean that 
it is in the power of the man who has it to cast it off,— to cease, in the 
example just given, to try to make his decorations beautiful; for we well know 
that he has no such power,— but what I mean is that it has been developed under 
the process just described in which critical feelings as to the results of 
inner or outer exercises stimulate to strong endeavors to repeat or to modify 
those effects. I may mention that I do not recognize pleasure and pain as 
specific feelings but only as being whatever feelings may stimulate efforts, in 
the one case to reproduce or continue them, or, as we say, “attractive” 
feelings, and in the other case to annul and avoid them, or, as we say, 
“repulsive” feelings. (MS 319 EP 2.431-2, 1907) 

Now Peirce is explicitly talking here of humans and not general semiosis as 
we’re concerned with. So I recognize we have to be careful. 

reiterations in the inner world―fancied reiterations―if well-intensified by 
direct effort, produce habits, just as do reiterations in the outer world; and 
these habits will have power to influence actual behaviour in the outer world; 
especially, if each reiteration can be accompanied by a peculiar strong effect 
that is usually likened to issuing a command to one’s future self. (MS 319: 94; 
CP: 5.487, 1907)

Habit. Involuntary habits are not meant, but voluntary habits, i.e., such as 
are subject (in some measure to self-control). Now under what conditions is a 
habit subject to self-control? Only if what has been done in one instance with 
the character, its consequences, and other circumstances, can have a triadic 
influence in strengthening or weakening the disposition to do the like on a new 
occasion. This is as much to say that voluntary habits is conscious habit. For 
what is consciousness? In the first place feeling is conscious. But what is a 
feeling, such as blue, whistling, sour, rose-scented? It is nothing but a 
quality, character, or predicate which involves no reference to any other 
predicate or other things than the subject in which it inheres, but yet 
positively is. [...] Our own feelings, if there were no memory of them for any 
fraction of a second, however small, if there were no triadic time-sense to 
testify with such assurance to their existence and varieties, would be equally 
unknown to us. Therefore, such a quality may be utterly unlike any feeling we 
are acquainted with, but it would have all that distinguish all our feelings 
from everything else. In the second place, effort is conscious. It is at once a 
sense of effort on the part of the being who wills and is a sense of resistance 
on the part of the object upon which the effort is exerted. But these two are 
one and the same consciousness. Otherwise, all that has been said of the 
feeling consciousness is true of the effort consciousness; and to say that this 
is veracious means less if possible than to say that a thing is whatever it may 

There is, then, a triadic consciousness which does not supersede the lower 
order, but goes bail for them and enters bonds for their veracity. 
Experiment upon inner world must teach inner nature of concepts as experiment 
on outer world must teach nature of outer things.

Meaning of a general physical predicate consists in the conception of the habit 
of its subject that it implies. And such must be the meaning of a psychical 

The habits must be known by experience which however exhibits singulars only.

Our minds must generalize these. How is this to be done?

The intellectual part of the lessons of experimentation consists in the 
consciousness or purpose to act in certain ways (including motive) on certain 
conditions. (MS 318 EP: 2.549–550, 1907)

But feeling simply is chance for Peirce as seen from the inside.

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