Edwina, List:

I have given you what I believe are *very clear* answers to your questions
and comments, but you refuse to accept them because they are inconsistent
with your own peculiar terminology--which, in my opinion, is *not *Peirce's
terminology.  Setting it aside does not necessarily mean giving it up, just
*provisionally *accepting *my *definitions for the sake of *this *

I have worked very hard over the last couple of months to understand
*your *model
of semiosis better *on its own terms*, despite the fact that I did not (and
still do not) agree with it.  You are evidently unwilling to reciprocate,
which is your right, but--again--it entails that further dialogue will be

Your opinions and vigorous disagreement are not what offended me--it was
your ridiculous allegation that I am claiming exclusive validity for my
model of semiosis, when I have been quite explicit about it being *tentative
*and something that I am *suggesting *in the hope of receiving *constructive
*feedback from the List community.  That is what I am still seeking.

Jon S.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 9:18 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

> Jon
> Hmm. Well, I don't disagree with all your points. After all, some of them
> aren't open to agreement or disagreement.
> So- I disagree with 2, 3, 4 and 7 - which are interpretations and are thus
> open to agreement/disagreement.
> And no, I won't retract or apologize for my opinion; after all - when I
> reject your point of view - you inform me that my view is just my own model
> [suggesting as you have done in the past, that it is non-Peircean?
> ].....and suggesting  I should set it aside. Why should I do so? I am not
> asking you to set aside your model!  I'm asking you to clarify it - and
> can't seem to get clear answers.    You also want me to set aside my
> 'peculiar terminology ' What's peculiar about it? It's Peirce's
> terminology!.
> So-   apart from your saying that you are very much open to other's
> viewpoints - are you?   Debate includes the reality that sometimes, the
> opinions of others challenge your own and thus, one offends or is
> offended. That's life. I'm not asking you to apologize for your view that
> my understanding of Peirce is 'my own' and  'peculiar'.  Nor for your
> request that I set aside, give up, my model of Peirce. That's just your
> opinion! And - I'm not offended. This is an academic debate and 'being
> offended' has no place in such an interaction.
> Edwina
> On Wed 21/03/18 9:34 PM , Jon Alan Schmidt jonalanschm...@gmail.com sent:
> Edwina, List:
> As I said, if you are unwilling, for the sake of this discussion, to  set
> aside your own model of semiosis--and (especially) your own peculiar
> terminology, which is very different from mine--then further dialogue
> between us will almost certainly be fruitless.  I fully expect you to
> disagree with me on just about every single one of the following points.
>    1. I chose a particular abstract example very intentionally.
>    2. The Sign is not a "triad," although the IO and II are indeed within
>    it.
>    3. There is no "Representamen" as you define it; for me, that word is
>    just a synonym for "Sign."
>    4. The DI can be a feeling (1ns/Sympathetic) or exertion
>    (2ns/Percussive), but my example happens to be a case where it is always
>    another Sign (3ns/Usual), which is why a shout of STOP is not an
>    equivalent scenario.
>    5. Peirce explicitly differentiated between Signs whose "Manner of
>    Appeal" is Imperative (urged or asserted) vs. Suggestive (merely presented
>    for contemplation); this proposal is of the latter kind.
>    6. Signs absolutely can be, and often are, transmitted externally;
>    this e-mail message is precisely such a Sign, or more accurately, a Replica
>    of a Sign.
>    7. My current working definitions are that the DO is the Matter that
>    the Sign denotes, the IO is the Form that the Sign signifies, the II is the
>    Form that the Sign communicates, the DI is the Matter that the Sign
>    determines, and the FI is the Entelechy that the Sign intends.
>    8. The diagram was attached to my last message, and is now
>    downloadable from the List archive (https://list.iupui.edu/sympa/
>    arc/peirce-l/2018-03/msg00191/Semiosis.jpg
>    <https://list.iupui.edu/sympa/arc/peirce-l/2018-03/msg00191/Semiosis.jpg>
>    ).
> Finally, your allegation, "You are claiming that there is only one valid
> model - yours!!! Do you want a debate and dialogue or merely subservient
> following?" is baseless, absurd, and offensive, and I frankly think that
> you owe me a retraction and apology.  What part of "This thread is intended
> to be an inquiry for which I am seeking the assistance of the List
> community" and "I am still very much open to being  persuaded" did you
> not understand?
> Cheers,
> Jon S.
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 4:53 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
> wrote:
>> Jon, list:
>> 1: Of course I know that the Quasi-Mind need not be a person but can be a
>> group of crystals and etc.! I am trying to provide an EXAMPLE of such
>> and its interaction. There is no need to complicate a simple example!
>> 2. So- your use of the Sign is in its function as mediation - and not as
>> the Triad of [IO-R-II]. I think that readers need this clarified.
>> 3. So wait - you are saying that a DI becomes ...what. I'm unsure. Are
>> you saying that a DI becomes..a Representamen? It sounds like you are
>> confining the term of Representamen to Thirdness...when you say it is "not
>> feelings or exertions" [which are in 1ns and 2ns]. But..I disagree on both
>> counts. A Representamen [and I use the term to differentiate it from the
>> TRIAD [IO-R-II]...can be in any categorical mode.
>> And - I don't see that a DI becomes a Representamen. Its informational
>> content can be generalized and added to the knowledge base/habits of the
>> Representamen, but I don't see that the DI becomes 'a further Sign'.
>> 4. And now, you are confusing me again, with your statement:
>> "Furthermore, each IO and II is internal to a Sign, not internal to a
>> person (or Quasi-mind); and "existence" is not coextensive with "objective
>> reality," since a DO can be a Possible or a Necessitant, not just an
>> Existent."
>> In the above statement, you are using the term Sign to refer not to the
>> Representamen /medium - which you do in point 2, but to the triad!
>> And you are being 'picky' with my reference to the DO as 'objective
>> reality'. I'm aware that a DO can be in any categorical mode. I was
>> providing an example of a shout of STOP.
>> I don't see why I should set aside my own model of semiosis, which I
>> consider to be based on Peirce, to debate with you about YOUR model - with
>> which I have problems. You are claiming that there is only one valid model
>> - yours!!! Do you want a debate and dialogue or merely subservient
>> following?
>> 5. You say that you are:
>> " by no means "asserting that the IO and II are the same," only tentatively
>> suggesting that one Sign's II is the subsequent Sign's IO. "
>> Whew - does the difference between 'asserting' and 'suggesting' really
>> nullify my asking you why you are making such a claim?
>> 6. You write: " If this is correct--and I am still very much open to
>> being persuaded that it is not--then the change in information
>> ("mediation and transformation") occurs during the transmission of the
>> Sign from one Quasi-mind to another"
>> What do you mean by 'Sign' in the above sentence? The Representamen or
>> ??? If you mean the Representamen - it is not transmitted. It is a function
>> of an Agent's [person/bee/crystal]...semiosic process and serves to
>> mould the information received - and transmit it to another Agential
>> semiosic site. Do you mean information as held within the Interpretants?
>> 7. And, you write: " The Form that Sign Y signifies (IO) is not
>> identical to the Form that Sign Y  communicates (II), which is precisely
>> why its DI (Sign Z) is not identical to Sign Y itself."
>> What do you mean by 'Sign' in the above? The Representamen? Or the Triad?
>> The Representamen does not, to my understanding, signify an IO.
>> 8. No diagramme is attached.
>> Edwina
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