Edwina, List:

I sincerely appreciate the effort on your part, but it seems to me that you
are still trying to read the diagram in accordance with *your* definitions
of the terms, rather than *mine*.

1.  Each instance of OI-S-II is what you would call a "triad."

2.  Yes, the second Sign (Y) is the DI of the first Sign (X); but remember,
I disagree with your definition of the Representamen, so you cannot impose
it on my diagram and still expect to make sense of it.

3.  Sign X is only in Quasi-mind A and Sign Z is only in Quasi-mind B, but
Sign Y is in *both* of them; it is what A "transmits" to B.  The Commens is
the overlap of Quasi-minds A and B; an example of its embodiment is the
Phemic Sheet for Existential Graphs.

4.  Again, the DI of Sign X is Sign Y, and the DI of Sign Y is Sign Z.  The
II of Sign Y indeed becomes the IO of Sign Z, but it *does not* become the
DI of Sign Y.

ET:  So- if I read the diagramme correctly, an Immediate Interpretant is
the equivalent of an Immediate Object not within Quasi-Mind A but within
the Commens. And this Immediate Object is the equivalent of a Dynamic
Interpretant and also a Representamen of its own...and .....

No, the idea is that one Sign's II *is *the next Sign's IO--they are both
the same Form--and one Sign's DI *is *the next Sign *itself*.

ET:  I can see how Dynamic Interpretants of a collective become part of the
habits of a common Representamen. I can even see them as acting as
Immediate Objects in this process of habit-formation.

There is no "common Representamen" in my model that possesses habits;
instead, every individual Sign is an individual Representamen--the two
words are synonymous.  What possesses habits is each individual
Quasi-mind.  Moreover, DIs cannot "act" as IOs; DIs are Matter, IOs are

Looking at your own diagram--thank you for offering it--you seem to
associate each *Quasi-mind* with a single IO and II.  I, on the other hand,
associate each *Sign *(or Representamen) with a single IO and II.  If we
could switch these terms--change "Generalizing Representamen" to
"Generalizing Quasi-mind" and "Quasi-minds" to "Signs" (or
"Representamens")--then our models might not be so different after all.

Perhaps my reply just now to Jeff will shed further light; perhaps not.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 12:40 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>

> JAS, list:
> That's an interesting diagramme but as I'm sure you would expect, I have
> problems with it as a diagramme of Peircean semiosis. The comments below
> will be unintelligible unless one is looking at the diagramme!!
> 1] It seems to be a series of dyads; that is, I'm not sure how the
> Sign/Representamen operates as mediation to transform the Oi [Immediate
> Object] to the Ii [Immediate Interpretant. My reason for saying this is
> because, ..you have a first mediation act [Sx]...providing an Immediate
> Interpretant..OK...but..then...
> 2] You seem to have set up another mediative act as its own triadic
> Sign..it has become its own triad of Oi/S/Ii.  To make this mediation
> triad, you've set up a triad where ...if I'm reading it correctly...the
> Immediate Interpretant of Quasi-Mind A [who is dealing with information
> from the Dynamic Object] becomes an Immediate Object.... which becomes a
> Dynamic Interpretant which functions as a NEW Representamen [Sy] . If we
> consider that the DI is specific to the individual, then, ....
> I have a problem with this - because the function of the Representamen is
> to absorb the particular and 'generalize it' into
> commonalities/habits. That is, it doesn't duplicate the Dynamic
> Interpretant but will ABSORB/ Transform it into commonalities. [Note: I am
> referring to the Representamen in a mode of Thirdness not 1ns or 2ns].
> 3] AND - this Representamen isn't 'stand-alone'; it's held by various
> 'Quasi-minds'. The Representamen is embodied within an individual
> Quasi-Mind. Your 'commens' Representamen [Sy] - isn't shown as embodied.
> 4] Then, despite this mediative act NOT being embodied, it seems to
> function as its own triad of IO/R/II....Except that the content of the
> First Quasi-Mind, A, within his DI..has become the content of the
> Representamen of this mediative act [Sy]. ...and this Commens
> semiosis provides a second Immediate Interpretant...which somehow becomes
> both the Immediate Object AND the Dynamic Interpretant or Representamen
> [Sz]...of Quasi-Mind B.
> So- if I read the diagramme correctly, an Immediate Interpretant is the
> equivalent of an Immediate Object not within Quasi-Mind A but within the
> Commens. And this Immediate Object is the equivalent of a Dynamic
> Interpretant and also a Representamen of its own...and .....
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------
> I might have missed the points. I think - possibly - I'm getting to
> understand your diagramme but - I think the outline confuses what is going
> on..And I have a problem with the 'equivalences'.
> I can see how Dynamic Interpretants of a collective become part of the
> habits of a common Representamen. I can even see them as acting as
> Immediate Objects in this process of habit-formation.
> I don't see how this common process can be 'stand-alone' [Your Commens].
> But perhaps that's just how the diagramme shows it...and this Commens is
> really held within the Quasi-minds of the collective.
> Edwina
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