Charles, List:

I apologize for being blunt, but we had a rather lengthy and somewhat
contentious List discussion of this topic just last week, so I was hoping
that a brief summary would suffice.  Here are links to a few of the key
exchanges for anyone interested in reviewing the details.

The bottom line is that in Peirce's philosophical system, 1ns/2ns/3ns
correspond to quality/reaction/mediation in phaneroscopy,
feeling/action/thought in Normative Science, and
possibility/actuality/regularity in metaphysics.  The consistent alignment
of re*act*ion, *act*ion, and *act*uality with 2ns is neither accidental nor
trivial (cf. CP 4.542; 1906).  I do not deny that there are "symbolic acts"
or "triadic action"; I simply advocate properly associating the *act*ive/
*act*ual aspects of these with 2ns, rather than 3ns.  Symbols *as general
Signs* do not inter*act* with anything; only their *individual Replicas* do.


Jon S.

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 8:51 PM, Charles Pyle <>

> Jon,
> I don't find your blunt assertion that action is only at the level of 2ns
> to be responsive to my point.
> One utters speech in order to perform a speech act in language. Speech is
> a physical phonetic phenomenon that can be taken to be and is action at the
> 2ns level, but speech is performed in order to be taken at the symbolic
> level, that of language, where it performs an event of the symbolic type
> and the nature of the event that occurs is an act. The act of promising,
> asserting, ordering, praising, etc. Such a speech act is an element of an
> inter-action. I don't see how one could begin to make sense of symbolic
> signs if one excludes act, and action and interaction. Obviously a symbolic
> act is different from a physical act, but it is still an act, and one for
> which one might well receive a brute physical reaction.
> Do you really intend to deny there is such a thing, albeit merely
> symbolic, as a symbolic act?
> Charles Pyle
> On August 14, 2018 at 6:28 PM Jon Alan Schmidt <>
> wrote:
> Charles, List:
> No, the *action *of uttering a Sign is at the level of 2ns.  As an *Instance
> *of the Sign, it is an *occurrence* in which a Sign-*Replica *determines
> some Quasi-mind to a *Dynamic *Interpretant--an *actual *feeling,
> exertion, or further Sign-Replica.  Any language consists of such
> Tokens--again, at the level of 2ns--which is why words uttered in *different
> *languages can be Replicas of the *same *Sign (Type).  Only the latter is
> at the level of 3ns, being *embodied *in particular Existents but never 
> *acting
> *on, *reacting *to, or *interacting *with them.
> Regards,
> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
> -
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 4:02 PM, Charles Pyle <>
> wrote:
> When one performs a speech act, in the sense used by Austin, such as
> promising, or asserting, is that not action at the level of thirdness?
> Isn't the essence of the doing of something in language an act?
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