Stephen R., List:

According to Peirce, ethics *cannot *precede esthetics (note his preferred
spelling), because in order to determine which ends of action we *ought *to
pursue, we must first determine what is admirable *in itself*--and that is
precisely the domain of esthetics.  As *normative *sciences,
esthetics/ethics/logic correspond to 1ns/2ns/3ns since they are concerned
with identifying and cultivating good habits of feeling/action/thought.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 8:42 AM, Stephen Curtiss Rose <>

> I know Peirce's ordering and think it could be amended because it is in
> its present form more a speculation than an articulation of a mode of
> action. Ethics should precede Aesthetics and the third should be seen in a
> triad.  Seems to me logic transcends and is in all elements of the triad.
> Going back to Peirce's statement seems to me to suggest that there the
> matter rests. It doesn't.
> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 9:35 AM, John F Sowa <> wrote:
>> Mike, Edwina, and Stephen
>> MB
>>> I apologize for the length
>> Don't apologize, I agree with Edwina:
>> ET
>>> Thank you so much for this scholarly, definitive analysis
>>> of the term of 'action' within Peircean research.
>> It also shows the need for an easily searchable, chronological
>> ordering of well-edited transcriptions of all MSS by Peirce,
>> linked to high-quality digitizations of the originals.
>> ET
>>> So the basic differentiation between the two types of action
>>> should be: physical vs mental.
>> Yes, but note that Peirce said that the first non-degenerate
>> Thirdness coincides with the origin of life.  That means that
>> 'mental' should be qualified as quasi-mind to avoid the claim
>> that bacteria have minds at the same level of a bird or mammal.
>> SCR
>>> it might be helpful to see if there is any way that aesthetics
>>> could be brought in as characteristic of thirdness -- truth,
>>> beauty, goodness, etc.
>> As soon as you introduce the term 'mental' that leads to the
>> normative sciences for value judgments about the mental aspects.
>> The first is aesthetics, which determines value judgments about
>> what is perceived; second is ethics for judgments about action;
>> and third is [normative] logic for judgments about reasoning.
>> John
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