This post points to semiotics, cosmology, and perhaps physics as well.
Peirce is writing from his own universalistic Christian, quasi-mystical
perspective. It would be reductionist to regard this as soluble without
inferring the context he was writing from.

On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 9:19 PM Jon Alan Schmidt <>

> List:
> Today I took a look at a couple of the manuscripts for discarded drafts of
> "Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism."  One of them included the
> following about a Type.
> CSP:  In the latter sense, which is by far the more important sense, a
> "word" does not exist:  it has a higher mode of being than existence, since
> it is a form that imparts utility to the existing matter in which it gets
> embodied.  I term any sign having the mode of being of a form a *type* …
> (R 292:[18])
> This is reminiscent of Peirce's assertion that "a sign is not a real
> thing. It is of such a nature as to exist in *replicas*" (EP 2:303;
> 1904).  It also matches his published description of a Type as "a
> definitely significant Form" (CP 4.537; 1906).  As I have discussed at
> length before, during that time frame he generally associated "the mode of
> being of a form" with 1ns, although there are other contexts where he
> associated "form" with 3ns.  In this case, he went on to make additional
> pertinent remarks after drawing a parallel between a thought as a Type and
> a "thinking" as a Token.
> CSP:  It frequently happens that the distinctions between the immediate
> object of a type, the type itself, and its immediate interpretant become
> all but evanescent, and this is especially true of thought considered as a
> type.  I think there are slight distinctions; but I have no occasion to
> dwell upon them at present. (R 292:[19])
> The Immediate Object and Immediate Interpretant are likewise associated
> with 1ns, at least relative to the Dynamic Object and Dynamic Interpretant
> as 2ns, and (in my view) the General Object and Final Interpretant as 3ns.
> The "evanescence" of their distinctions from the Type itself is consistent
> with my suggestion that they correspond to that which its Instances *possibly
> could* denote and signify, respectively, in accordance with the Type's
> definition within the Sign System to which it belongs.  Moreover, aligning
> the Type with Form as 1ns and (presumably) its Instances with Matter as 2ns
> clarifies why Peirce elsewhere aligned the Sign itself with Entelechy as
> 3ns.
> CSP:  This *Entelechy*, the third element which it is requisite to
> acknowledge besides Matter and Form, is that which brings things together
> ... and we infer that wherever Matter becomes determined to a Form it is
> through a sign. Much that happens certainly happens according to Natural
> Law; and what is this Law but something whose being consists in its
> determining Matter to Form in a certain way? ... It is to be observed that
> a sign has its being in the *power* to bring about a determination of a
> Matter to a Form ... (NEM 4:295-300; 1904)
> What is the Form to which a Sign is capable of determining a Matter?  A
> *Type*.  What is the Matter that the Sign is capable of determining to
> that Form?  A *Token*, which on that basis is an *Instance* of the Type.
> And notice that Peirce by no means limited this to *human* semiosis; it
> encompasses all that "happens according to Natural Law."
> Regards,
> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
> -
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