John, List:

JFS:  I am not condescending.  I'm treating you as a bright student who has
a lot to learn about logic, linguistics, lexicography, and the kind of
detailed textual analysis that Peirce did all his life.  I'm willing to
help, but you must do your homework.

Apparently you are unaware of the condescension that pervades these very
statements.  I am not *your *student, and we are *both *students of
Peirce.  I welcome sincere disagreement and spirited discussion--I learn a
tremendous amount from it, and sometimes change my mind as a result of
it--but I am not willing to accept someone else's dogmatic pronouncements
as if they were beyond questioning.  That would be blocking the way of (my
own) inquiry, embracing the method of authority rather than the method of

JFS:  But don't claim that what you write is consistent with what Peirce

I have every right to make that claim, and I consistently quote Peirce's
own writings to back it up--as much as or more than anyone else on the List
these days, including excerpts from unpublished manuscripts that I have
transcribed myself from his own hand.  That way, those reading along can
decide for themselves whether and how well my comments match up with his
original text, rather than taking my (or your) word for it.  Since he did
not provide us with a single unified work that systematically presents all
of his insights, we instead have to piece them together from scattered
fragments--and sometimes that process produces surprises, forcing us to
reconsider views that we previously considered to be settled.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 10:30 PM John F Sowa <> wrote:

> On 2/25/2019 9:04 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt wrote:
> > Why not just accept the fact (as I have) that we are pursuing different
> > purposes, and therefore adopting different approaches accordingly?  Why
> > insist that I /must /adhere to /your /analysis of propositions and /your
> > /preference for unmodified EGs?
> Because Peirce was very precise in what he wrote, and he had
> no sympathy with people who misrepresented what he was saying.
> If you just want to develop your own ideas, I have no objection.
> But I do object to claims like the following:
> > It is perfectly consistent with what Peirce wrote
> > in NEM 3:885-886--as well as ...
> Just quoting a bunch of words and saying X is consistent with Y
> is the loosest of loose thinking.  It's even worse when you add
> the word 'perfectly'.
> No linguist, lexicographer, or logician would ever say that.
> Peirce had a solid foundation in all those areas, and he used
> those skills in everything he wrote.  He would never say
> "This cloud of words is consistent with that cloud."
> I am not condescending.  I'm treating you as a bright student
> who has a lot to learn about logic, linguistics, lexicography,
> and the kind of detailed textual analysis that Peirce did all
> his life.  I'm willing to help, but you must do your homework.
> If you don't want to do the really hard work of learning how
> to analyze every last detail, just go your own way.  But don't
> claim that what you write is consistent with what Peirce said.
> John
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