Gary R,
As Mike said, please stop.
GR>To be perfectly
clear, in my estimation this horrible 'harangue'
began about a year ago, shortly after John Sowa joined the list and
began harassing Jon Alan Schmidt, not on any substance of any of
his post, but on his methodology. 
Thank you for providing
more evidence of your blanket condemnations.
I had subscribed to
Peirce-L when Joe Ransdell was running it.  But I lost the connection when
I switched from one email service to another.  And I picked it up again
quite a few years ago.  
I never harrassed Jon.  On the contrary, I
pointed out errors that were caused by his methodology.  Peirce was an
outstanding logician and mathematician, and Jon did not have the
background to interpret certain passages correctly.  But Jon would never
admit that there might be an interpretation that was different from his
I apologize for trying to correct Jon's errors.  I promise that
I won't do that again.
End of story.
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