I think that we continue ignoring that Peirce had multiple uses and
therefore definitions of his terms - and there is not ONE definition
that is 'the truth', but, as Auke points out - the context wherein
that term is used defines the meaning:
        "Auke:Isn't our duscussion about the meaning of a particular term,
i.e. commens? And, my contribution, about the need to look at the
wider context in order to grasp the direction of a thought?"

        For example - as I have pointed out, there are at least three
specific uses and therefore definitions of the term 'sign'. And at
least as many for the term 'mind'. None of them contradict each
other; all of them instead, examine the complexity of the reality to
which they refer. 

        Since Peirce considered that semiosis functions within the inorganic
and organic realms of reality - and not just within the symbolic realm
of mankind - then, I think we should consider that ALL morphological
entities are 'Signs', which is to say, that ALL exist within a
triadic semiosic interaction. So, as Peirce points out, that crystal,
that bee, that protoplasm - are all engaged in semiosic interactions.
And therefore, as instances of semiosis, ie, as units in a mode of
Secondness - as well as Thirdness [mind/habits] - they are, in
themselves, Signs. In semiosic interaction with other Signs. 

        Therefore - to attempt to set up a thesaurus focused only on a
single, ultimate meaning of a term, in my view, ignores this

        It is perhaps an unfortunate reality that our species, homo sapiens,
functions so heavily within the symbolic realm. This enables man to,
of course, invent new technologies etc, but, it also can alienate him
from reality - such that he can set up ideologies and belief systems
that are pure rhetoric, unattached to the objective world of reality.
[To prevent this, Peirce insisted that his theories were not operating
within 'idealism' but within 'objective idealism'. He firmly grounded
his theories within the pragmatic world, not of words, but of 'real
material things']. That's why it's not enough to simply examine his
theories within words, but to examine them within the objective

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