Helmut, List:

I will offer brief responses to the specific questions posed. The much
longer answer is my entire paper, "Temporal Synechism: A Peircean
Philosophy of Time" (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10516-020-09523-6 or

HR: Now, are time and space a kind of ether?

No, because although time and space are *real*, they do not *exist*.

HR: A divine clock ticking, a divine measure tape of meters or parsecs
applied to the world?

No, because measurement relative to a *discrete *unit of duration or
distance is something that we impose on *continuous *time and space.

HR: Or is time produced by events, and is space produced by matter?

No, time and space are together the medium (3ns) in which events occur and
matter exists (2ns).

HR: Does the world consist of just and only signs? Or rather of objects,
and the signs merely denote them? Are just correlates?

According to Peirce, the entire universe is a vast sign--in my view, a
semiosic continuum that we *analyze* into individual objects, signs, and
interpretants as *entia rationis*. As such, the continuous flow of time
matches the continuous process of semiosis--the past determines the present
to determine the future, just like the object determines the sign to
determine the interpretant.

HR: What now can the second tribe do to solve this paradoxon, or problem,
and win in the end? Anybody got a proposal?

What would it look like for the second tribe to "win in the end"? Their
postmodern notion of each individual constructing his/her own reality is
utterly incompatible with the very definition of reality--often invoked by
Peirce--as that which is as it is regardless of what anyone thinks about it.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt / twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt

On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 2:47 PM Helmut Raulien <h.raul...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Dear List members,
> obviously there are two kinds of vibration: Acoustic vibration deserves a
> substance like air to have it vibrated, but electromagnetic vibration
> doesn´t, it delivers its own means to do so (vibrate). Before this was
> clear, people thought, that electromagnetic vibration (e.g. light) deserved
> a so-called "Ether". But this concept is long refuted.
> Now, are time and space a kind of ether? A divine clock ticking, a divine
> measure tape of meters or parsecs applied to the world? Or is time produced
> by events, and is space produced by matter? I think, Mach suspected so.
> Does the world consist of just and only signs? Or rather of objects, and
> the signs merely denote them? Are just correlates?
> Like with the two kinds of vibration, I see two quasi-tribal  modes of
> interpretation of reality. One tribe says, that reality is a field we all
> have to obey, and compete against each other, following the field´s rules.
> The other tribe says, that we, each individual, constructs the reality, and
> that it is possible to abandon the fight, and start creating a better
> world.
> Now the paradoxon is, that these are two tribes, that fight against each
> other. This fight applies to the logic of the first tribe only. What now
> can the second tribe do to solve this paradoxon, or problem, and win in the
> end? Anybody got a proposal?
> Best, Helmut
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