Helmut, List:

HR: At first, this looks logically false: Two non-identical things. each
one being a subset of the other.

That is not what I said. The point is that existence, reality, and being
are not coextensive. Whatever exists is real, and whatever is real has
being, but there are realities that do not exist (possibilities and
habits/laws) and beings that are not real (fictions). A better analogy is
that every mouse is a mammal and every mammal is an animal, but there are
mammals that are not mice and animals that are not mammals.

HR: Peirce´s solution in the case of reality and existence is, that there
are two kinds of existence.

Not two *kinds *of existence, but two *definitions *for the word
"existence." In Peirce's mature metaphysics, it means "reacting with other
like things in the environment" and thus applies *only *to the constituents
of his Second Universe of Experience. It is in this sense that existence
"is a special mode of reality." However, in logic, it means "belonging to
the universe of discourse" and thus can be used for the constituents of *any
*of the three Universes of Experience. It is in this sense that numbers and
laws of nature (for example) can be said to exist.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt / twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt

On Fri, Sep 9, 2022 at 4:06 PM Helmut Raulien <h.raul...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Jon, you wrote: "Yes, Peirce describes existence as a subset of reality
> and reality as a
> subset of being.".
> At first, this looks logically false: Two non-identical things. each one
> being a subset of the other. So far, your resp. Peirce´s solution in the
> case of reality and existence is, that there are two kinds of existence. I
> have another, maybe not contradictional, solution:
> The subset relation can reverse, if applied to different system
> hierarchies. Example: Mouse is a subset of mammal, and mammal is a subset
> of mouse. In the system hierarchy "composition from traits", mammal is a
> subset of mouse, because being a mammal is only one trait of a mouse. In
> the system hierarchy "taxonomic classification", mouse is a subset of
> mammal. This reverse subset relation in composition versus subsumption
> (classification) goes back to Stanley N. Salthe.
> Best Regards, Helmut
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