That's okay Jerry ... I'm just trying to stay within the framework of exact
philosophy as Peirce sees it :

*The doctrine of exact philosophy, as I understand that phrase, is, that
all danger of error in philosophy will be reduced to a minimum by treating
the problems as mathematically as possible,** that is, by construction some
sort of a diagram representing that which is supposed to be open to the
observation of every scientific intelligence, and thereupon
mathematically,--that is, intuitionally,--deducing the consequences of that
hypothesis. *(NEM IV:12, unidentified fragment)


Honorary Professor ; PhD Mathematics ; PhD Philosophy
* <>*

Le lun. 8 janv. 2024 à 17:11, Jerry LR Chandler <> a écrit :

> On Jan 8, 2024, at 9:18 AM, robert marty <> wrote:
> Jerry, List
> You know very well that we don't mention "what goes without saying" in
> mathematics.
> Sorry, Robert.
> Interesting but hardly compelling response.
> Human communications in multidisciplinary forums such as this are open to
> misunderstandings.  To “invoke” such a phrase is meaningless to your
> readers.
> In applied mathematics, the calculations are contained to the
> interpretations of the symbols asserted in the formula.
> In philosophy, each individual philosopher assigns symbols and asserts
> premises ad hoc with an intended “unit of meaning.”  Isn’t that what
> philosophical discourse is all about?
> Cheers
> Jerry
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