>Thanks for allaying my fears about the right.  I guess it just scares me that
>many people actually enjoy right-wing talk shows,  and it's frightening that at
>the grassroots tons of financial support goes to local rightist politicians.
>People in Colorado seem to like having Democratic governors (Lamm was gov for a
>long time) but outside of Boulder and Aspen the electorate is either
>conservative or radical right.  What can we make of this voting?   I wouldnt've
>expected Colo to be one of the few places left with a Dem governor!
>As for Perot and individualist westerners-- I heard that all the candidates he
>supported lost-- can anyone confirm this ?   Who did he support?
>H. Grob

Ann Richards lost, as did, of course, Golisano (sp?) for NY Governor.
Perot did endorse Nethercott who beat Tom Foley in Washington.  Those are
the ones I know about.


Steven Hecker
Labor Education and Research Center
1289 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR  97403-1289
telephone: 503-346-2788
fax: 503-346-2790

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