>Brad,can you please read the rest of Steve's post, or the sentence that
>prior to the sentence you cite? since Steve is not here, I can not talk
>on behalf of him, but his work is an excellent piece in Marxian sociology.
>Steve wrote:
>>>   Because of these sharp
>critiques, Wilson reinvented himself as an
>  >>  environmentalist concerned about bio-diversity.

If it is an excellent piece of Marxian sociology, why does it make 
false claims about Wilson's intellectual development?

Either Steve does not know enough about E.O. Wilson to know that he 
was always *both* a sociobiologist and an environmentalist--in which 
I have better things to spend my time reading, things written by 
people who have done their homework--or Steve knows that he is lying 
when he claims that Wilson's environmentalism is an intellectual 
re-make--in which case I have better things to spend my time reading, 
things written by people who don't lie to me.

Brad DeLong

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