You "gather"?  In truth you haven't a clue as to
either what our "policies" are or how they are
"determined". Our relation to the 'bigwigs' is
similar to yours with dead Trotskyists.  We are
motivated by their interests, and we try to avoid
offending them.

To take the infamous example of trade, anyone who
tracked the respective statements and pubs of
EPI and trade union orgs, including the Federation,
would find EPI was a leading indicator, not
a lagging one.


>From what I can gather, the policies of EPI are determined more by the
AFL-CIO bigwigs on the board rather than the philanthropic establishment.
But I would have assumed that EPI, following the lead of similar groups
such as the Sierra Club and Public Citizen, does not disclose the identity
of major donors. As far as getting funding from Stuart Mott and the
Rockefeller Foundation is concerned, virtually the entire liberal left is
implicated, from the Nation Magazine to all of the mainstream Green groups.
For that matter, my own organization was always hitting up Mott and the
Rockefellers, as well as the Ford Foundation. Sort of like Lenin taking a
ride on a German train.

Louis Proyect
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