Mark Jones wrote:

> As for Gene, I'm afraid he misunderstood Bartlett completely, and obviously
> misunderstands the issue too.

I understand Barlett very well.  I've heard him speak.  The seminars or
workshops, or whatever they are, are funded and used to incite racism among the
well-off folks who see the same environmental problem that Mark does.
Bartlett's job, which he embraces with gusto, is to eductate these concerned
white rich folks as to the solution -- and his solution is cutting population
growth in part the world with darker-skinned inhabitants and raising fences
around the US to keep out immigrants.  Cut population and go on despoiling the
world with consuming out of your high incomes.

    I've gone to other gatherings of the same sort -- (where Barlett wasn't a
speaker) and I must say the hatred of "the other" that pours out of the
audience as speakers talk about immigration is physically frightening.  At one
of them I rushed to get my wife out of the event before we were physically
assaulted.  Pure hate fed by pure fear -- overlain with an understanding that
the environment is in trouble.

    The population movement is handsomely funded by the same folks who were
behind sterilization and eugenics in the thirties.  Pretty nasty people.  The
Pioneer Fund, for one.  They are aggressively moving in on environmental

    There is a relatively new enviro group called "The New American Dream" with
a focus on simple living and cutting consumption.  the population nuts have
moved in at the top and are re-focusing the members/audience on population
rather than consumption, the issue which attratracted them in the first place..

Gene Coyle

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