I wrote:
>>I find your e-missives to be useless. Therefore, I've instructed the 
>>Eudora program to automatically transfer them to the trash bin. I 
>>recommend that others do so, too.

Doug writes:
>Hmm, not very promising for "ORGANISING"!
>It's kind of hard to organize people around catastrophe. With few 
>exceptions, most people don't want to hear about the imminent heat death 
>of the earth. They'll just shrug their shoulders & ignore you - or, to 
>quote A.R. Ammons, who wouldn't turn up the voltage when you know the 
>lights are going out? At least apocalyptic religions offer the tease of 
>redemption and eternal life.
>Good luck organizing, Mark.

In addition to the content, we should be conscious of the style used in 

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] & http:/bellarmine.lmu.edu/~JDevine
"It takes a busload of faith to get by." -- Lou Reed.

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