At 09:44 AM 5/17/01 -0700, you wrote:
>>Jim Devine writes:
>>At 07:59 AM 05/17/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>I object strongly, however, to repeated smart-ass intrusions by an
>>>>"brilliant" economist who deigns to spend time with the progressively
>>>>Michael K.
>>>As I said, if you had arguments to make, you would make them. You clearly
>>>don't. So why don't you be quiet until you do?
>>this is flame-bait. Michael K. did provide an argument, but Brad simply
>>ignored it. Michael, please warn Brad to stop this behavior.
>He did?
>Funny. I read four paragraphs of his email and didn't find one.

this last is not an answer. Telling someone to "shut up" (specifically, to 
"be quiet") is flame-bait.


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