>Brad, once a flame war begins, ugly things tend to be said by all 

Keaney (one post): "... repeated smart-ass intrusions... deigns... 
self-delusion ...confirmation of prejudice... disciplinary culture of 
condescension... "brilliant" economist... disgusting Schleifer... 
countries about which he knows very little ...red-baiting 
...preposterous assertions ... produce to order analyses "showing" 
public bad, private good ...how it can enrich me personally 
...criminal enterprise..."

DeLong (across four posts): "*Snort*... Naughty, naughty... He did? 
Funny. I read four paragraphs of his email and didn't find one... As 
I said, if you had arguments to make, you would make them. You 
clearly don't. So why don't you be quiet until you do?.."

"All participants"?

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