by Carrol Cox
06 February 2002 20:42 UTC  

Charles, some where in Anti-Duhring Engels says that dialectics neither
proves anything nor discovers anything new. Sorry I can't quote it
exactly or give you an exact cite. Some writer used that as a text on
the basis of which he rejected dialectics completely.


CB: Yes, I have a memory of something like that, but I can't remember the exact 

 I would think that it might be said of formal logic ( Aristotlean with recent 
additions) that it cannot discover anything new.

We'd have to have the exact quote, but I would wonder about the idea that dialectics 
does not discover anything new. It would seem that Marx used the notion of the 
contradictions within capitalism as the source of the new society, socialism. This use 
of the logic of contradictions seems a use of dialectics to discover the fundamentals 
of the new society. So that would be dialectics involved in discovering something new.

I also get the impression that Marx considered that he used dialectics in discovering 
the secret of surplus value, as he and Engels refer to it. Doesn't that seem 
dialectics involved in discovering something "new" ? ( I mean new to the science of 
political economy).

In fact , I would almost say that dialectics helps with discovering the new, but maybe 
not proving things. Whereas, formal logic is used in proofs, but not to discover 
anything new.

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