joanna bujes wrote:

"The truth is they don't have a clue on how to manage intellectual labor.
They try to do it as it were an assembly line. Doesn't work. Offsourcing Hi-
tech means managing intellectual labor accross great geographical, cultural,
and sometimes linguistic divides. Not what I would call a recipie for success."

The Talyorists long ago dropped any distinction between types of labor.
Intellectual, manual labor, it's all the same thing to them: actions geared
toward a result, measured in time and price. Some nuts have been harder to
crack than others, but the development and now near universality of computer
and communications technology changes everything.

The true limit to capital's drive to abstract us is our own resistance, not
the 'inefficiencies' that result when they hit up against
geographical/cultural/linguistic barriers. (very much agree with Doug's point
on this - we have to change the terrain of debate to win the argument) They
will likely be able to overcome these limits, that is if we let them.

Speaking of water-cooler conversations, on one front, the wonks are hard at
work at continuing to annihilate distance. They're slobbering over the
possibilities of telepresence via internet2, and I've been noticing a lot of
talk about how it allows for 'hallway' or 'watercooler' conversations. And
they've also stumbled onto the future workplace of the networked prols: the



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