On the subject of foreign fighters in Chechnya, I
should have added that, if memory serves, both the
Kremlin and the various rebel sources put the number
of foreigners in Chechnya at any given time at about
200. So, it's not a lot (given that there are
supposedly about 1,500 full-time fighters). But they
serve a major ideological and financial role.

There is really no group of "rebels" in Chechnya.
Chechnya has been in a state of civil war since 1996.
You have the nationalists around Maskhadov; then you
have the Wahabbis around Basayev; and then simple
bandit gangs making money of carnage. (And the three
groups interpenetrate.) Finally, you have the
so-called Kadyrovtsy, the pro-Moscow security force,
composed mostly of former rebels who switched sides,
supposedly about 3,000 men. Most of the fighting in
Chechnya is between the Kadyrovtsy and the rebels; I
have heard that the Chechen Special Forces have
declared blood feud on the Basayev clan, and they want
the Russian Army to leave so that they can take care
of business in their own way, if you get what I mean.

The relations between all these groups are very
obscure. During de facto independence, there were
pitched battles between Maskhadov's men and the
Wahabbis. Nevertheless, until the Dubrovka theater
hostage-taking, they claimed to be on the same side
(Maskhadov condemned the act, while Basayev took
credit for it and resigned his official post). When
Kadyrov was assassinated, Maskhadov condemned it (it
took place, BTW, after a period in which Kadyrov and
Maskhadov were allegedly negotiating the latter's
surrender). The next day, Basayev took credit for it,
and said "I only regret that I do not have Kadyrov's
head to give to Maskhadov."

Then there is the alternative theory that Maskhadov
and Basayev are actually working together, with
Basayev carrying out terrorist acts, Maskhadov doing
PR in the West while maintaining a state of plausible
deniability, and the now-deceased Yandarbiyev doing PR
in the Muslim world.

Frankly, I don't think Maskhadov has much backing him
up at this point beyong his own teip (clan). His men,
I think, have mostly either joined the Kadyrovtsy or
been radicalized and are now with Basayev. Maskhadov
may not even be in Chechnya.

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