Tyler MacDonald wrote:
        3) Tests are failing because of ActiveState's build system

        For 3), that could mean because the build system itself is screwed
or they don't have some library available.

        Phillipe Chaisson aka "Gozer" (one of the mod_perl authors) is
responsible for the ActiveState PPM repositories now, and the he's told me
that if there's an issue with the build system that causes some particular
module's build to fail when it shouldn't, he'll fix it right away if it can
be identified. http://ppm.activestate.com/ contains full logs of every
single package build success and failure, so if a package isn't available,
have a look there and see why/how it failed and let him know.

I've been a little disappointed with "right away" (sorry, Philippe). I sent an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] just over a week ago about the build system using an outdated version of Scalar::Util that doesn't have "refaddr". (Which is surprising, since they offer an updated one in their repository.) To date, I haven't even received a ticket response acknowledging receipt of my message, much less a fix.

A copy of my email follows:

David Golden wrote:
> Dear ActiveState PPM support:
> I am the author of Class::InsideOut.  One of the key features of
> Class::InsideOut is that it provides for robust inside-out objects under
> a win32 pseudo-fork (at least for Perl 5.8 which offers the CLONE
> method).  Given that I wrote it in part to work safely with my own
> ASPerl installation on my win32 laptop, I'm frustrated that I can't get
> it to pass your automated build tests and would like some guidance.
> In most cases, the problem appears a dependency failure on
> Scalar-List-Utils, and I suspect the other failures are similarly related.
> Class::InsideOut requires Scalar::Util 1.09.  My ASPerl 5.8.7 Build 815
> seems to have 1.14.  The PPM repositories themselves have
> Scalar-List-Utils 1.18.  However, it seems like the automated build test
> is using an older Scalar-List-Utils at version 1.07.  The list of
> modules at
> http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Modules/Perl?module_name=S&order=name
> shows 1.06.
> I'm a little at a loss as to how to proceed.  Dropping my prereq version
> any further isn't possible as I need 1.09, which provides the refaddr
> function.  Could the automated build farm get an upgraded
> Scalar-List-Utils installed?  Even getting to 1.09 with refaddr might
> fix a lot of other distributions that depend on it, too.
> I look forward to your thoughts.
> Sincerely,
> David Golden

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