chromatic wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 October 2007 05:18:40 Michael G Schwern wrote:
>> Honestly, just convert to TAP::Parser.  Straps has no future.
> It has a zombie future.  You can't remove it for TEN YEARS because it's in 
> the 
> core and people with government contracts rely on it.

Page one of the docs says...

       THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE in that the interface is subject to change in
       incompatible ways.  It is otherwise stable.

If you're basing your MOON LANDER off Straps you're in trouble.

I'm sorry that for a long time it was the only way to do anything interesting
with TAP parsing, but experimental interfaces are experiments and sometimes
experiments don't work out.  Straps was marked as on from the beginning.

> Seriously, is there a deprecation plan?

If somebody cares enough they can make a stand-alone Straps distribution to
shamble on through CPAN.  It's a simple matter of copying some files and tests
out of the Test-Harness 2 distribution.

If somebody REALLY cares they can gut it to use TAP::Parser so it gets future
bug and feature fixes.  But that's like putting rocket engines on a blimp.

Whip me, beat me, make my code compatible with VMS!

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