On Sun, 2007-11-18 at 18:51 -0800, Matisse Enzer wrote:
> On Nov 18, 2007, at 7:25 AM, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> >>
> > Even if it's in the perl core, the developer may have compiled with
> >
> >    -Dnoextensions=Encode
> >
> > In such a case Encode is not present. I have skipped Encode many times
> > because it takes up so much time, others may do likewise.
> So, I think the bottom line here is: List them ALL in Makefile.PL/ 
> Build.PL

I've been yelled at in bug reports and on IRC for adding core modules as
prereqs  (think upgrading dual-life core modules on older Perl versions;
I guess that's not always desirable.)

I think the best solution would be something like:

 # Makefile.PL
 use 5.8.8;
 requires 'Encode'; # note that I'm not specifying a version; use 5.8.8
does that for me

I think the real solution, though, is to agree that the perl interpreter
without all of the core modules installed isn't Perl.  (I'm not a big
fan of core modules, but the concept is especially worthless if you
can't depend on their existence.)

Jonathan Rockway

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