On Tue, 2007-11-27 at 17:55 +0100, Dominique Quatravaux wrote:
> > All publicly accessible BackPAN mirrors must pull this distribution
> > manually, given that rsync-without-delete won't do it for you.
> Shucks! Too late.
> http://kilimandjaro.dyndns.org/~dom/FuturesQuote-0.01.pm
> Come on now. I have no idea whether that thing is any good, but these
> scare tactics from The Man are just silly.

Agree here.  One thing to think about: is this going to get the *author*
in trouble?  It would be nice to change the contact information there to
avoid the author being sucked into a legal battle he can't afford.  He
doesn't deserve legal trouble simply because he wrote a useful CPAN
module that someone doesn't like... but I can't afford to defend him
against a $LARGE_COMPANY.

I recommend we delete the AUTHOR information and distribute this module
on thepiratebay.  I will definitely seed the torrent.

Finally, could the C&D letter be made available?

Jonathan Rockway

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