Jonathan Rockway a écrit :
On Tue, 2007-11-27 at 17:55 +0100, Dominique Quatravaux wrote:
All publicly accessible BackPAN mirrors must pull this distribution
manually, given that rsync-without-delete won't do it for you.
Shucks! Too late.

Come on now. I have no idea whether that thing is any good, but these
scare tactics from The Man are just silly.

Agree here.  One thing to think about: is this going to get the *author*
in trouble?  It would be nice to change the contact information there to
avoid the author being sucked into a legal battle he can't afford.  He

I'm not particularly worried about the author. It's the backpan admin I'm more concerned for. In this day and age, it's too easy to say: it's your machine, it's your fault. The admin is an easier target than the author.

doesn't deserve legal trouble simply because he wrote a useful CPAN
module that someone doesn't like... but I can't afford to defend him
against a $LARGE_COMPANY.

I recommend we delete the AUTHOR information and distribute this module
on thepiratebay.  I will definitely seed the torrent.

I really don't think it's worth the trouble. For all I know they have a sanctioned API that lets you do the same thing anyway. I dunno, I didn't care to look.


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