On Tuesday 27 November 2007 09:45:59 Andy Lester wrote:

> I think he means a legal DoS, where armies of bank-payrolled lawyers
> come in and C&D the entire *.cpan.org and *.perl.org infrastructure.

If I provide a free public resource and you abuse it, I think I have a right 
to ask you to stop abusing it.

I'm all for free software, but if we're going to ask people to respect the 
licenses of our source code and TPF's trademarks, I think we ought to have 
some sympathy for other people who provide software or services for Free 
(With Some Rights Reserved).

That includes not violating their terms of service.  The important questions 
are "Is there any use of this module which does *not* violate the site 
operator's terms of service?" and "Does the primary use of this module 
violate the site operator's terms of service?"

The jerking of knees in any direction before answering those questions (or 
even *asking* the author for his or her preference!) is unwise.

-- c

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