A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> * Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-12-05 15:00]:
>> I'm going to keep drilling through the BS until I either hit
>> bottom or punch through.
> Yeah, we’re all spouting bullshit. Gee, some tone you’re setting.

Sorry, I forgot the :)

That I'm pushing so hard to get something concrete out of you means I think
you've got something useful to say.  That I'm not getting it is frustrating.
Seems I've finally got it, thank you.

>> About all that's different when the plan is at the end is the
>> TAP reader doesn't know how many tests are coming until the end
>> of the test. Then it can't display the expected number of tests
>> while the test is running.
> Not only can’t it do anything display-wise, but the harness also
> can’t do anything else that requires knowing the projected plan
> up front. It can’t abort the test as soon as the first extra test
> runs. If the test dies, the harness doesn’t know how many tests
> were pending. A system whose job is to continuously run lots of
> tests in parallel can’t do nearly as much useful asynchronous
> reporting.
>> Unfortunate, but hardly a showstopper.
> Whether or not it’s a showstopper is for the harness author
> to judge and not for you. It’s not hard to imagine cases where
> better streamability is important, even if they’re not garden-
> variety `./Build test` scenarios. We’re championing TAP as a
> solution for a wide variety of scenarios, right?

That's all things I haven't thought of.  Since it doesn't effect the ultimate
quality of the tests, just some inconveniences in reporting, I'm not worried.

no_plan already has all these issues and the sky remains firmly fixed in the
heavens.  Header-at-end TAP is still streamable.  You don't have to read the
whole document before you can get information.  It doesn't close off any
testing situations, and it makes quite a few more much simpler.

To make it clear, Test::Builder will still put the plan at front when it can.
 Also, to make it clear, this is all possible right now with TAP.  This is a
Test::Builder imposed restriction.

> But streamability isn’t important in that most common use case,
> so it probably shouldn’t be the default, which is why I opined
> that maybe Test::More should be strict on request but not by
> default.

Sorry, I must have missed that.  Your example code up to this point looked
like it required the user to declare up front that they were going to put a
plan later.

Having the author declare in the test that they'd like Test::More to be strict
with the plan seems near useless.  If you're going to declare that you have to
declare a plan, why not just declare the plan?  It's like preparing to
prepare.  I can think of a few weird cases where it might be handy, but it's
not worth the extra complication.

Life is like a sewer - what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
    - Tom Lehrer

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