On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 06:46:08PM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
> # from Paul Fenwick
> # on Monday 30 June 2008 17:17:
> > Let's pretend you're J. Average Hacker. You've popped over to CPAN...
> >   http://search.cpan.org/~sartak/Moose-0.51/lib/Moose.pm
> Let's pretend you're J. Average Hacker.  You've been told that 
> http://search.cpan.org is "CPAN"...
> All suggestions involving search.cpan.org fall in the category that 
> nobody can *do* anything about (except asking Graham Barr to do it.)

Even if you had the source code, it would still be up to him to add your
patch to the copy of the code that runs that particular site.  In
reality, if people suggest things, and he thinks they're a good idea,
then he does them.  Especially if it's something as simple as adding a
link to a page.

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  Irregular English:
    ladies glow; gentlemen perspire; brutes, oafs and athletes sweat

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