On 1 Jul 2008, at 14:35, David Cantrell wrote:
Even if you had the source code, it would still be up to him to add your
patch to the copy of the code that runs that particular site.  In
reality, if people suggest things, and he thinks they're a good idea,
then he does them.  Especially if it's something as simple as adding a
link to a page.

That's true - but it discourages people from experimenting with new UI ideas like, say, integrating tagging into s.c.o. It'd be great if people could download WWW::Search::CPAN::Org, install it locally and play with it.

I've twice started to work on a replacement just so I can release something that people can actually hack on.

There's a real need for CPAN's primary UI to evolve as CPAN grows but the rate at which it can evolve is limited by the non-availability of the source.

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

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