On May 20, 2011, at 8:07 AM, David E. Wheeler wrote:

> HTH, sorry I get a bit lost with some of your questions.

No, this is very helpful.  I think you've shown that I need to take a step back 
and look at the underlying problem.

I'm not attempting to build an all-encompasing dependency management system.  
I've tried to avoid thinking about it in terms of CPAN as we know it, since in 
theory, that is an implementation detail.  But in practice, I'm will stipulate 
that a "dependency" is just a Perl module in some CPAN repository.

As I see it, there are two sides to the problem.  The first is creating tools 
for creating, managing, and using a private CPAN repository.  There is already 
a lot of prior art for this, but I feel that it is fragmented.  So this might 
just be a matter of assembling the right combination of existing technologies.

The second (and probably more difficult) side is establishing patterns for 
using these tools, which enable developers to write, test, and deploy their 
code against an identifiable and reproducible set of dependencies.  I 
acknowledge that one size will not fit all, but I strongly believe there is (or 
should be) some common ground here.

The trouble with CPANs is that they are a moving target -- modules are 
constantly updated, added, and removed[1].  This creates problems for 
developers that want to use the CPAN tool chain, but need to have a stable set 
of dependencies.  At the same time, they need flexibility to evolve those 
dependencies in a systematic way.

Thanks for bringing PGXN to my attention.  The architecture is very similar to 
what I was thinking.  I will dig deeper to see if we can leverage PGXN.

[1] I think a lot of this trouble would go away if the CPAN tool chain simply 
permitted authors to express precisely which $VERSION of something they 
require.  So I have to wonder if that is the right place to focus, rather than 
building something on top of the tool chain.

Jeffrey Thalhammer
Imaginative Software Systems
vcard: http://www.imaginative-software.com/contact/jeff.vcf

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