On May 20, 2011, at 11:04 AM, Jeffrey Thalhammer wrote:

> I'm not attempting to build an all-encompasing dependency management system.  
> I've tried to avoid thinking about it in terms of CPAN as we know it, since 
> in theory, that is an implementation detail.  But in practice, I'm will 
> stipulate that a "dependency" is just a Perl module in some CPAN repository.

Yeah, that's what's confusing me. To me, a "dependency" is a Perl module in 
some CPAN repository that the module I'm trying to install right now depends 
on. That is, it's listed in in the "prereqs" section of a META.json file.

> The trouble with CPANs is that they are a moving target -- modules are 
> constantly updated, added, and removed[1].  This creates problems for 
> developers that want to use the CPAN tool chain, but need to have a stable 
> set of dependencies.  At the same time, they need flexibility to evolve those 
> dependencies in a systematic way.

Well, the new version spec in CPAN Meta Spec 2.0 helps with this. You can 
specify very precise requirements.

> Thanks for bringing PGXN to my attention.  The architecture is very similar 
> to what I was thinking.  I will dig deeper to see if we can leverage PGXN.
> [1] I think a lot of this trouble would go away if the CPAN tool chain simply 
> permitted authors to express precisely which $VERSION of something they 
> require.  So I have to wonder if that is the right place to focus, rather 
> than building something on top of the tool chain.

You can.




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