On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 11:04:24AM -0700, Jeffrey Thalhammer wrote:

> The trouble with CPANs is that they are a moving target -- modules are 
> constantly updated, added, and removed[1].

http://cp2010-05an.barnyard.co.uk/ and all its date/time-stamped friends
and relations aren't.

A feature I keep meaning to add is some way for users to pick one of my
mirrors and then further restrict it so that, for example, you might
want the CPAN as at the beginning of 2011 but with Some::Module (and all
its pre-requisites) stuck at some earlier point in time, or even a way
of applying that to an up-to-date CPAN mirror (an up-to-date mirror is
just a special case of my mirrors anyway, one with no filtering at all).

I want to do this in a way that:

* won't require manual intervention from me to set up a new restriction
* will work with any CPAN client
* is efficient with storage and CPU
* provides free ponies and kittens

David Cantrell | Minister for Arbitrary Justice

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