On Wed, 25 May 2011 15:19:49 +1000, Jeffrey Thalhammer <j...@imaginative-software.com> wrote:

On May 24, 2011, at 1:17 PM, David Golden wrote:

Then, given one of those three ordered list of tarballs that satisfy
all prereqs, it should be possibly to repeatably deploy an application
with a known set of module versions, even as the "latest" on CPAN


Let's suppose I wan to write a new application in Perl. By "application", [...]

Rather than install in site_perl, it installs into a directory right
inside my project (let's call it "dlib" for "dependent libraries").
[...] it stashes the tar balls in a directory structure [...] which
is also inside my project directory (let's call it "lpan" ...)
Everything in lpan/ will be placed under revision control too.


What do you think?

When you start a second project that uses a subset
of project1 dependencies, what do you do?

Do you duplicate the lpan/ and dlib/ folders?
If you had to maintain patches, do you apply the patches
to all your projects lpan/ and dlib/ folders?

These dlib/ and lpan/ could be shared among projects,
but they would lose, I imagine, part of the "self-contained-ness"
of the original idea.


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