On May 24, 2011, at 9:18 AM, David Golden wrote:

> I doubt it.  I have plans for an "application installer" that will
> pre-compute dependencies and reliably set up per-application lib
> directories.  Different applications could have different versions of
> a module, but a single application will only have one version
> available to it.
> This is not something that the CPAN clients are really designed to do
> (though they can be made to do the right things with INSTALLBASE and
> so on).

Well, are you using the same version ranges spec for the META.json file? Seems 
to me that this might result in a stand-alone library that, given prereqs, 
could determine what should be installed. Then the existing clients could use 
it too, eh?

> A better specification and design for application dependencies and
> installation will avoid the need to create N custom CPAN views as a
> hack to make CPAN clients try to be application deployment tools.

Yeah, that'll be nice.



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