At 18:10 2003-06-16 +0200, Aldo Calpini wrote:
> TScrollBar:         Scroll bar vertical or horizontal

missing, but do we need one?

Could be useful, there have been a few posts regarding this. Not sure how to handle it though, if it should be connected to other controls or standalone etc.

> TRadioGroup:        Panel Box container for radio buttons set

missing, and we need one :-)

Doing groups of RadioButtons is doable today, just set the -groupstart (? or whatever it's called ?) on the first control in the group. A special control for that would perhaps be useful but not essential.

> TStringGrid:        Excel like Grid widget for text only
> TDrawGrid:          Excel like Grid widget for text or image

see Win32::GUI::Grid by Laurent Rocher

I played with it a little this weekend and it looks very useful.

> Win32: {COMCTL32.DLL version 4.70 or later}
> ======
> TTabControl:        Tab page
> TPageControl:       Tab page controller

actually only Win32::GUI::Tabstrip

Or the Win32::GUI::TabStripGroup. And I think Laurent has one on his page as well.

> TUpDown:            Up/Down button

There is one in Win32::GUI, can't remember the exact name now. I use it in the Perl Oasis preferences dialog.

> TCoolBar:           MS Office Tool Bar with scroll container

see Win32::GUI::Rebar

> TPageScroller:      MS Office Tool Bar with scroll and moveable container


The Rebar sound very useful but I've never seen anyone do anything with it. It lacks documentation and sample programs. Anyone out there with anything runnable?

On the top of my wish list is:
- true modal dialogs
- working accelerators
- (more) complete event support
- drag-n-drop support (please apply my patch)


-------- ------ ---- --- -- --  --  -    -     -      -         -
Johan Lindström    Sourcerer @ Boss Casinos     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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