Thanks Aldo!

> So here's my wish list: =)
> [ Some of them already exist  ]

hi Fred,
I've commented your list giving the (probable) Win32::GUI
equivalents to the widgets you mention. if you, or somebody else, has
some comments, feel free to share :-)

The GUI Loft should support those widget then!
The version I downloaded had a very small list of widget. =|
If I could drag'n'drop any of them that would be really really cool! =)

> Standard:
> =========
> TMainMenu:          Main Menu    (top window menu)


> TPopupMenu:         Pop up Menu  (right-click menu)

Win32::GUI::Menu (sub-menus can be used with the TrackPopupMenu function)

> TLabel:             Label


> TEdit:              Textbox


> TPassword:          Textbox for password

Win32::GUI::Textfield (with -password => 1)

> TMemo:              MultiLine TextBox area

Win32::GUI::Textfield (with -multiline => 1)

> TButton:            Button


> TCheckBox:          Check Box


> TRadioButton:       Radio button (element of a group)


> TListBox:           List box


> TComboBox:          Combo box


> TScrollBar:         Scroll bar vertical or horizontal

missing, but do we need one?

yes. There should be a way to get such, it's a win32 gui element.
Could be needed for composed widget.

> TRadioGroup:        Panel Box container for radio buttons set

missing, and we need one :-)

Not necessarly, but how do you group radio set ?
Inside a hash? I know VB5 doesn't require such, but Borland does.

+--- Fruits -------+
|  o Ananas        |
|  o Bananas       |
|  o Cherry        |

+--- Names --------+
|  o Fred          |
|  o Garry         |
|  o Larry         |

There should be a way to get such, it's a also win32 gui element.

> Additional:  { Custom widget adjacement }
> ===========
> TBitBtn:            Image with a bitmap on it left hand side with text

don't know what it is.

This is SO FUNDAMENTAL for usability reasons:

|   [folder] Open        |

|   [disk]   Save        |

|   [door]  Exit         |

> TMaskEdit:          TEdit with RegExp input validation mask

should be easy with a few lines of code?

Sure, but why not making it inside a perl class with inheritance.
For instance, the hook up needed such that it takes only numerics

Such that the textbox doesn't do anything on non-numerics: "characters being ignored".

> TStringGrid:        Excel like Grid widget for text only
> TDrawGrid:          Excel like Grid widget for text or image

see Win32::GUI::Grid by Laurent Rocher

> TImage:             Image container

Win32::GUI::Label (with -bitmap => $Bitmap)

> TShape: Shape object: Rectangle, oval, square, circle, rounded
> box

Win32::GUI::Graphic (or InteractiveGraphic) (mostly)

> TBevel:             3D Line seperator for visual grouping

Win32::GUI::Groupbox (maybe?)

> TScrollBox:         ListBox with horizontal scrolling


> TCheckListBox:      ListBox with check marks

Win32::GUI::ListView (with -checkboxes => 1)

> Win32: {COMCTL32.DLL version 4.70 or later}
> ======
> TTabControl:        Tab page
> TPageControl:       Tab page controller

actually only Win32::GUI::Tabstrip

> TRichEdit: WordPad like Memo container area with font and images


> TTrackBar:          Sound slider

don't know what it is

Something like

| . \|/ . . . . . . . . |

> TProgressBar:       Installation like progress bar


> TUpDown:            Up/Down button

| /\ |
| \/ |

> THotKey:            HotKey tracking visible container


> TMonthCalendar:     Microsoft Calendar


Isn't a variable pass to Win32::GUI::DateTime
in order to get it?
They should go together.

> TDateTimePicker:    Microsoft Calendar inside a combo box


> TTreeView:          Tree view component


> TListView:          List view component


> TStatusBar:         Status bar component


> TToolBar:           MS Office Tool Bar container


> TCoolBar:           MS Office Tool Bar with scroll container

see Win32::GUI::Rebar

> TPageScroller: MS Office Tool Bar with scroll and moveable container


> System:
> =======
> TTimer:             Auto-restart count-down Timer event driven
> {SetTimer and KillTimer, and to simplify processing the WM_TIMER messages}


> TMediaPlayer: Media Player button (play, pause, stop, ff, rew, prev,
> next, rec, eject)
> {Custom bitmap button with predefined callback}

Win32::GUI::Animation (very limited, tho)

> TOleContainer:      Interface to OLE 2.0 object container
> {InsertObjectDialog can be called to embed or link to an OLE 2.0 object}

see Win32::GUI::AxWindow by Laurent Rocher

> Internet: (Internet Explorer SDK documented on MSDN)
> =========
> TCppWebBrowser:     Internet Explorer Embedded DCOM Container

see Win32::GUI::AxWindow by Laurent Rocher

Looks great, is there a way to print from it like from C++ Builder?
To call Page Setup, to get special event like webpage download 0-100% stats?
Mainly, I'm interested in having a GUI that can generate and print HTML reports using Internet Explorer and feed it to the printer directly, without user interaction!

> Samples:  (bunch of widget hook-up together)
> ========
> TCSpinEdit:         TextBox with up/down button embedded


|                                        11   0000   | /\ |
|                                         1   0  0   +----+
|                                        111  0000   | \/ |

> Dialogs:  (Windows SDK documented on MSDN)
> ========
> TOpenDialog:        Windows Open dialog


> TSaveDialog:        Windows Save dialog


> TOpenPictureDialog: Windows Open dialog with picture preview
> TSavePictureDialog: Windows Save dialog with picture preview


GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName with a Window hook-up for picture event,
now how do we do that in Perl ?

> TFontDialog:        Windows Font picker dialog


> TColorDialog:       Windows Color picker dialog


> TPrintDialog:       Windows Print dialog
> TPrintSetupDialog:  Windows Print setup dialog

It's inside the Windows SDK.

> TFindDialog:        Windows Find dialog
> TReplaceDialog:     Windows Replace dialog

Should be available somewhere in the SDK


> Homemade dialogs: (Windows SDK documented on MSDN)
> =================
> TOpenWebDialog:     Windows Open dialog with Internet Explorer preview
> TSaveWebDialog:     Windows Save dialog with Internet Explorer preview


GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName with a Window hook-up for web document event,
now how do we do that in Perl ?

I have code for C++ Builder,
anybody wanna help for XS translation,
since I have no clue how to use XS. =P

The same ideas goes for image viewing, sound playing, etc.
You take a Windows SDK Dialog and take some space below or to the right,
put some widget in there and make an event controller from one to the other.
Resize the dialog such that it fit and make it centered.

// ----------------------------------------------
// In the TWebOpenDialog.hpp file:
// ----------------------------------------------

#ifndef __TWebOpenDialog__HPP__
#define __TWebOpenDialog__HPP__

#include <vcl.h>
#include <Classes.hpp>
#include <Controls.hpp>
#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
#include <Forms.hpp>
#include <Dialogs.hpp>

#include "SHDocVw_OCX.h"
#include <OleCtrls.hpp>
#include <ExtDlgs.hpp>

#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma link "SHDocVw_OCX"

// #include <Abicast/Tools/TWebOpenDialog.cpp>

class  PACKAGE TWebOpenDialog : public TOpenDialog
typedef Dialogs::TOpenDialog inherited;


//  See constructor initializer list for values:
    const int addwidth;    // Add at bottom
    const int addheight;   // Add at right

    TPanel*  pnl;          // Gets button clicks to VCL
    RECT     staticrect;   // Roughly, basic OpenDlg controls
    RECT     clientrect;   // Dialog, after enlargment
    HWND     parenthandle; // Because the VCL always hooks
                           // the Windows dialog, Windows creates a parent.

    int DialogWidth;       // As changed, here
    int DialogHeight;
    bool onceonly;

    DYNAMIC void __fastcall TWebOpenDialog::DoShow( void );
    DYNAMIC void __fastcall TWebOpenDialog::DoSelectionChange(void);

    __fastcall TWebOpenDialog( TComponent* Owner );

    inline  AnsiString __fastcall Browse()
      AnsiString file = "";

      if( this->Execute() )
        file = this->FileName;

      return file;

    inline bool verifyExtension( const AnsiString& url )
      int pos = url.LastDelimiter( "." );
      if ( pos > 0 )
        AnsiString ext = url.SubString( pos+1, 3 );
        ext = ext.LowerCase();

        const char* s = ext.c_str();

        if ( !strcmp( s, "jpg" ) ||
             !strcmp( s, "jpe" ) ||
             !strcmp( s, "gif" ) ||
             !strcmp( s, "bmp" ) ||
             !strcmp( s, "wmf" ) ||
             !strcmp( s, "emf" ) ||
             !strcmp( s, "pcx" ) ||
             !strcmp( s, "png" ) ||
             !strcmp( s, "htm" ) ||
             !strcmp( s, "php" ) ||
             !strcmp( s, "txt" )
           ) return true;

      return false;

    inline void goURL()
      // TCppWebBrowser
      AnsiString url = this->FileName;

      if (  verifyExtension( url ) && FileExists( url )  )
        web->Navigate2( new TVariant( url ) );

    TCppWebBrowser *web;


// ----------------------------------------------

#endif // End of __TWebOpenDialog__HPP__

// ----------------------------------------------
// In the TWebOpenDialog.cpp file:
// ----------------------------------------------

#ifndef __TWebOpenDialog__CPP__
#define __TWebOpenDialog__CPP__

// ----------------------------------------------
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "dlgs.h"

#include <Abicast/Tools/TWebOpenDialog.hpp>

//  Written and tested in BCB3 under Win98 SE.
//  Tested also in BCB5 under Win98 SE
//    The principal reference sources were
//    Boian Mitov's TBMMediaDialog, at
//    Yoto Yotov, for example
// API Solution with VCL:
// (long link-repaste if word-wrapped)
// Microsoft's list of ControlID's for OpenFile is titled
// "Explorer-Style Control Identifiers"
// (in case it moves) but it's now at:
// (long link-repaste if word-wrapped)
//    Constructor.  Note that the Windows Handle of the Dialog
//    box, and the individual dialog controls are NOT
//    available at this time.

__fastcall  TWebOpenDialog::TWebOpenDialog( TComponent* Owner )
   :  TOpenDialog( Owner ),
      addwidth(      300 ),  // Pixels to right
      addheight(       0 ),  // Pixels to bottom
      onceonly(    false ),
      parenthandle( NULL )
  Title        = "Open Picture Dialog";
  pnl          = new TPanel( this );
  web          = new TCppWebBrowser( this );
  Filter = "Web Images "
           "All Images "
           "JPEG Image Files (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe)|"
           "GIF Image Files (*.gif)|*.gif|"
           "PCX Image Files (*.pcx)|*.pcx|"
           "PNG Image Files (*.png)|*.png|"
           "Bitmap Images (*.bmp)|*.bmp|"
           "Enhanced Metafiles (*.emf)|*.emf|"
           "Windows Metafiles (*.wmf)|*.wmf|"
           "All Files (*.*)|*.*";

void __fastcall TWebOpenDialog::DoShow(void)
 long newtop;          // After enlargement, to center
 long newleft;
 RECT rect;            // The old dialog, before enlargement

 if( !onceonly )
   onceonly     = true;
   parenthandle = GetParent( Handle ); // Frequently used

//   staticrectTRect=GetStaticRect();
//   Line above fails, for at least two reasons:
//   (1)The VCL uses the VCL Handle (FHandle) instead of
//   GetParent(FHandle).  (2)The ControlID for the
//   static rectangle, stc32, does not exist, probably
//   because the Open Dialog has no *custom* template.
//   Instead, we will approximate the static rectangle
//   with the client size of the unmodified OpenDialog,
//   several pixels too big.  This will leave a few pixels
//   between the static controls and the top of our TPanel.

  // Client coordinates
  GetClientRect( parenthandle, &staticrect );

// Get current size of entire dialog, resize, and center

  // Screen coordinates
  GetWindowRect( parenthandle, &rect       );

// Add new space below and to the right of the static
// rectangle.  If you must add controls ABOVE the static
// rectangle, you have to use the API "Template" method.

  DialogWidth  = rect.right  - rect.left + addwidth;
  DialogHeight = rect.bottom -  + addheight;

  newleft = ( Screen->Width  - DialogWidth  ) / 2; // Centering
  newtop  = ( Screen->Height - DialogHeight ) / 2;

// Increase size of, and center the dialog window

  MoveWindow( parenthandle, newleft, newtop,
              DialogWidth, DialogHeight, true );

// Get dimensions for sizing the TPanel

  GetClientRect( parenthandle, &clientrect );

// Finish specifying the added controls, now that
// the dialog window exists. Note that the TEdit will
// function as expected, even if it is not placed on a
// TPanel.  However, the Button's clicks will NOT reach
// their Event unless the TButton is placed on the TPanel.

  pnl->ParentWindow = parenthandle;

// SetBounds(int ALeft, int ATop, int AWidth, int AHeight);

     rect.right - rect.left - 7,

// Next two lines to make the TPanel imperceptible.

  pnl->BevelInner = bvNone;
  pnl->BevelOuter = bvNone;

// TPanel
  web->ParentWindow = pnl->Handle;
  web->Width        = addwidth     - 19;
  web->Height       = DialogHeight - 28 - 10;
  web->Top          = 4;
  web->Left         = 0;


// The following line answers an F.A.Q.
// It's not needed to *add* controls to the OpenDialog.
// Note that IDOK is in the #include-d dlgs.h

     parenthandle, CDM_SETCONTROLTEXT, IDOK,
     (long)"&Open File"

 } // onceonly bracket

 inherited::DoShow(); // Allow user's OnShow
 Abort();             // Cancel Windows' WM_NOTIFY message to dialog

// Example of TEdit used for output display:
// This override fills in the added edit with
// additional information about the selected file.

void __fastcall TWebOpenDialog::DoSelectionChange(void)
 // Use Inherited property
 inherited::DoSelectionChange();  // End user's Event


#pragma package(smart_init)

#endif // End of __TWebOpenDialog__CPP__


Sincerely yours,

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