
    Eventualy, you can take a look to PAR (Perl ARchive toolkit)
    It's possible to turn a script to an executable.

    It's available via ActiveState PPM (but not last release, 0.67 i think).

See : http://search.cpan.org/author/AUTRIJUS/PAR-0.69/


>> By the way, is there a way to get a stand-alone
>> Perl GUI application, like TGL.exe ?
>> Even my C++ Builder application that are 300KB,
>> most come with 45 MB of DLL/BPL and similar in the current directory.
>> So having one stand-alone EXE without Perl installed would be great!
> It's not free software (time-limited trial versions are available for
> download), but I've been pretty pleased with my results so far using
> Perl2Exe (http://www.indigostar.com/perl2exe.htm).

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