
D:\pscrpt>ppm install DBI
PPM::PPD::init: not a PPD and not a file:

Ok ... something funny is happening here. First thing I'd like to do is take
a look at the PPD file. Where is it ? More importantly, where is  the
documentation that enables me to find its location ?

That route quickly turns into a blind alley ... let's try another way. How
about I configure things so that the temp (build) directory doesn't get
cleaned up. That used to be trivial to do with 'ppm set clean 0'. How do we
do it now ? More importantly, where is the documentation that tells me how
to do it ?

Now, I don't know if either of those approaches would have helped. Thing is,
it would have taken me only 5 minutes to determine, if I could have found
out how to do those things - instead of the hour I've spent and got nowhere.
So ... if someone can tell me where this information is to be found I will
attempt to bookmark it for future reference.


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