Scratch that, PPM is *sort of* down, for some people, sometimes. We're
still looking into it, but for example I was just able to install
DBD::mysql on Linux, whereas earlier this morning this failed with the
usual ( admittedly obscure ) error message:

PPM::PPD::init: not a PPD and not a file:

The loose theory so far is that this is load related. Some people insist
on trying to aggressively scrape ppm, even though we run rsync now. =)


Jeff Griffiths wrote:
PPM is down. =) We're working on it, and hope to have things back to
 normal later today ( keep in mind we're PST over here, and
developers sleep in apparently )


Lynn. Rickards wrote:
Lynn. Rickards wrote:
Sisyphus wrote:


D:\pscrpt>ppm install DBI PPM::PPD::init: not a PPD and not a

Ok ... something funny is happening here. First thing I'd like
to do is take a look at the PPD file. Where is it ? More
importantly, where is  the documentation that enables me to
find its location ?


Strangely, I get the same problem today - cannot ppm install
anything from AS repository. After installing XML::SAX yesterday,
the pureperl component did cause ppm to generate a bunch of
warnings, so uninstalled but without effect.

Finally just uninstalled perl altogether, deleted c:/perl and reinstalled clean. AS repository still returns the same error. repository works fine, and ppm *will* install downloaded zip packages locally from

VPM just dies on attempting install.

Anybody else confirm?

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