On 5/1/06, Bryan Baldus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Monday, May 01, 2006 1:24 PM, Brad Baxter wrote:
>On 4/30/06, Edward Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> # delete first two subfield u
>> $field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', count => 2);
>I don't think I like it this way.  How would you delete just
>the second one?
>I'd rather see 'count' mean 'occurrence', so the above would mean
>delete the second subfield u.  And ...
># delete second and third subfield u
>$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', count => 2, count => 3);

When I looked at it, I also wondered about 'count' being 'position' or
something like that, to be able to note which occurrence. It might be useful
to have both--if you know it is always the 1st 2 occurrences of the
subfields, use 'count', but if you know it is the 1st and 3rd, then use
'position' or 'occurrence'.

#remove 1st 2 subfield 'u'
$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', count => 2);

#remove 1st and 3rd subfield 'u'
$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', occurence => (0, 2)); #or (1, 3)

#remove last subfield u
$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', occurence => (-1));

I guess those work for me, as long as it's 'occurrence'.  :-)
Or perhaps just 'occur'.
(If we allow -1, then I agree it should start at 0.)


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