Ken Fox writes:
> Nathan Torkington wrote:
> >   Robustness
> >   Portability
> >   Maintainability
> >   Testability
> >   Reusability
> >   Speed
> >   Simplicity
> >   Size
> Hey, whoa. Aren't we pre-maturely optimizing the development
> process?

Not in deciding priorities.  These are factors of architecture
just as much as code.

> Example: I'd like to see a few different species of vtbl before
> we commit to an API

Yup, that makes perfect sense.  But how do we evaluate the vtbl?
We need some acknowledged priorities.

> BTW, where's Chip? I was *really* hoping
> that he'd write up his Topaz experience and clue us in on
> architectural dead ends. It might be that the family tree of

Sigh.  I've asked for Chip's talk notes.  Chip is deluged in
VA Linux kernel work, and doesn't answer anything.


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