John van V wrote:
> I have been predicting for a year now that perl6 will spawn another
> language which will be a marriage of perl/python/scheme/sh, hopefully
> enabling a billion or so humans in defiance of  AOL and Microsoft.

Wow! You're good! Most people were caught by surprise with the Perl 6
announcement... However, the "marriage" part of your prediction is
already *mostly* true for Perl *5*. I suspect any future Python
influence will probably be in the same vein as Lisp -- only the people
who really grok Lisp can see it.

I totally disagree with your last point though. Perl has stayed away
from Microsoft bashing. I'm not sure how many beautiful/useful ideas
have come from the Microsoft world, but at least it's nice to know we're
able to help people who use Microsoft systems.

- Ken

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