On 9/26/18 3:25 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
I question "actually do RTFM", because you apparently think words() has to not only explain in complete detail what "Positional" means, but also must be rewritten to perform the Positional role itself via a $selection parameter instead of letting the Positional role do the job for which it exists.


Reading and understanding are two different things.

I presume you have P5's perldocs installed.  Pick
out any functions (perldoc -f name) and take
a look at how extraordinarily simple their explanations
are to understand.  You almost never have to ask for help.
From my two postings on "words" you can tell the difference
in understanding.

When documenting things, you always start simple and then
work your way up to the complex.

    multi method words(Str:D $input: $limit = Inf --> Positional)

is not simple.

When I program, typically I have open my code editor, a
terminal for testing the code, another terminal for
testing one liners, and a web browser up with the documents
in several tabs.

Perl's routine documents are really, really difficult
for a beginner to understand (as opposed to what I am
use to in perldocs).  Think of it this way.  If I knew
enough to understand the above cryptology, why would I
need to go back and read it?  I would already know it.

Thank you all for all the help with this.  I know I
am a bit slow.

If I have a free moment soon, I will write up a perldocs
type explanation for words and submit it as an RFE to
add to the documentation.  I will submit it here first
to reduce the dripping egg on my face if I get anything wrong.


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